Tell Me What You Want, What You Really Really Want
Sometimes when a cake makes no sense, it's helpful to ask yourself, "What do you suppose the customer asked for?"

Insults 101: When calling a girl a dog, it's always helpful to be breed-specific.

(For what it's worth, I'm pretty sure that's not how Mrs. Hopperband spells her name.)
"Look, I just want what every girl wants for her birthday: a big- a$$ cake!"

Eh. [shrugging] As I'm sure every cake-loving girl would agree: close enough. Pass the forks!
Sometimes you just want a sugary baked good for no reason at all. And yet, without an inscription, what can Wreckerators wreck? That's why they're so adamant that your cake say something.
And that's also why we get Wrecks like these:

Give it a minute.
Jen B., Stephanie W., Autumn R., & Sara G., one "Ho Thing Special," comin' up.
But you know what is special?
Holographic Printable Sticker Paper
We’ve been using this paper to make stickers for Epbot and it’s so beautiful!