Swing And A "Mist"

We here at Cake Wrecks know parting can be such sweet sorrow.

So here are 9 cakes to ruin the moment.


Oh great, here come the water works.


Maybe it's wissful thinking, but Luek sounds hot.


Be afraid. Be very afraid.


This wreck is evil, like the "furits" of the "Dve-il."

(Also, at first I thought that said "you will be missiled," and it was the happiest dang .85 seconds of my entire day. DOWN IN FRONT!)


Here's a fun party trick: read this cake out loud and you'll have an INSTANT southern accent:

Well I declare, Colonel Angus!


Definitely more than one "miss" in this room:

Now that's what I call "a balloon drop!"


I think this says, "Uoull gustly be mirrd Lt page!!"

Quick, someone look up how to say "God bless you" in Klingon.


"Remelering" sounds painful. Can't we just stick with one of those awkward handshake-pulling-into-a-half-hug-with-a-back-slap things?


And last but not least:



Thanks to Joan D., Adrienne T., Katie N., Mackenzie B., Shannon C., Kenlyn F., Alyssa P., Mary K., & Frankie Z., who looks forward to seeing you all next Fall.


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And from my other blog, Epbot:

I Would Tell You To Get Your Minds Out Of The Gutter, But Who Are We Kidding Here?

It's Hump Day, minions!


So let's mosey on over to a certain bakery's display counter (!!), and see what kind of kids' birthday cakes they offer, shall we?

::mosey mosey mosey::


Ahh, here's a design I'm calling, "When The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Come Out Of Their Shells"


[awkard silence]
Er... Cowabunga, dudes.


( Hand placement, Donny & Leo. HAND PLACEMENT)


Thanks to Sophia S. for reminding us that what happens in the sewers, stays in the sewers.


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And from my other blog, Epbot: