You guys, it's Halloween! And you know what that means, right?
Yep: Time to get our hands on some cake.

Finger-licking bad.
Or I suppose we could sink our teeth into

...never mind.
Just keep your eyes off this pumpkin cake, if you please:

Thank you.
I'm having a hard time wrapping my brain around this design:

Oh, I know! Maybe it's a window pane!
I did wonder why Frank there had no nose, but then I realized:

That's why.
Yep, you could say it's as plain as the dong on his face.
Come to think of it, this bakery really should reevaluate their staff:

'Cuz that's one broomstick that should be swept under the rug.
You know, for being too hard to handle.
Not to mention stick-y.
And so, my friends, in conclusion:


Thanks to A.F., C.C., Linda L., Donna S., Patrick M., Dana, Jeremy C., & Kelsey N. for the tricky treats.