Sunday Sweets Goes FULL UNICORN

Have you noticed unicorns and rainbows are all the rage again lately? There are unicorn cafes, unicorn drinks - heck, I even spotted a unicorn grilled cheese. o.0

Isn't enough enough?

The answer, of course, is no.



(By I love Cakes by Sheila)



Yes, this Lisa Frank-loving woman-child is jumping on the technicolor bandwagon today, peeps, because look at these unicorn macarons:


(By Mac Lab Bakery & Cafe)

They have Fruity Pebble manes! Ahhh!


And look at this watercolor drip deliciousness:


(By Truly Scrumptious Cakes By Design)

Pastel rainbow heaven!


You know that thing where someone takes one awesome thing and mashes it together with another awesome thing?

Well, I give you:


(By Vickie Liu)

Unicorn Ice Cream Cone Cookies.


Or how about these sweet little cake pops?


(By Just Add Sugar)

The little rosy cheeks! Ah!


A lot of so-called Unicorn treats are really just rainbow-colored food, and while I will never complain about rainbow-colored food, I do like that this Sweetness at least has a twisty unicorn horn on top:


(By D Bakers Sweet Studio)

Those rainbow tiers are perfection! And do I spy cotton candy? OooOOOoooh.


Who else suddenly wants to nuzzle a cupcake?


(By Lady Berry Cupcakes)


Now, I'm not saying these donuts really look like unicorns, but they're so stinkin' cute I think we can agree they score a Hole-In-One.


(By Christina's Cupcakes)

Get it? A hole in one? AAAAAI'll stop now.


I've never really been onboard with "naked" cakes... until now:


(Featured here, but the baker isn't listed. Anyone know?)

D'awww. If ever a cake deserved to be naked, it's this one.


And finally, let's end with the cake that turned me into a starry-eyed six-year-old again:


(By With Love And Confection)

It has meringue wings! And a mermaid crown! EEEEE!!!

Happy Sunday, everyone! May your week be as magical - and as colorful - as these unicorns!


P.S. If you love unicorns I'm willing to bet you'll also love this sweater:

Zesica Rainbow Block Sweater

All those pictures are from customer reviews, since the product photos make it look super faded. Plus it has pockets! Eeee! Need.


And from my other blog, Epbot:

Penal Code Violations

NOTE: These cakes may have been meant for children, but the commentary is not. Double entendres ahead!


Do you ever get the feeling that certain bakers are up to business?


I think this monkey lacks a certain...appeal.


I mean, maybe it's just me, but it seems like some of today's wreckerators are getting downright...



(I had two different readers send in two different pictures of this cookie cake, btw. See?)


There's something kind of awesome about having a pair of photos of a pair blobby things.

(Swinging plums? Low riders? Crown jewels? Man tonsils? Pant Potatoes? Scroto Baggins? Ok, internet, you've earned your keep tonight.)

Oh, and I *think* they were going for a heart. Maybe. And before you ask, no, the baker should not be sacked, because this is far too entertaining.


I'm sure some of you may think I'm being unfair. Well, not to worry, wreckerators; you'll get your day in court.


Just no dribbling, please.


There's a certain bakery chain (which shall continue to Remain Nameless) that has a rather curious carrot cake design. It looks like this:


You guys have sent me a bunch of examples, so I can assure you: this really is how the cake comes:


So my question is this: if we all sat around discussing the failings of this particular design, would that make it a circle jerk?



And while I'm being inquisitive, bakers, I've got to ask: do your wrecks ALWAYS have to look like dongs?



Ok, never mind.
Please bring the ding dongs back.


Thanks to Carrie C., Beth M., Rachael, Becca S., Nick D., Michelle W., & Richard for taking a firm stance on today's wrecks. And for the excuse to write "pants potatoes."


P.S. For some reason these seem appropriate today:

Wine Condoms

Don't worry; they're for your wine, not your wang. (Which really should be their advertising jingle. CALL ME, WINE CONDOM PEOPLE.)


And from my other blog, Epbot: