Going to the Dogs, Continued

As promised, today's parade of cakey canines features the icing-drowned cupcake pups, which in my opinion ride dangerously close to the whole cupcake-cake-concept, and are therefore worthy of all the condemnation we can heap on them. But, I digress.

First up, a creation that looks more like a doggy end-product than a dog:

That's the side view. If you're thinking it will be more recognizable from the front...

Think again. Oh, and don't you love all the effort put into decorating the cake board? Somebody's shootin' for the stars.

This one's not bad, other than the fact that it's neon pink, worried-looking, and apparently vomiting sprinkles. Huh. Come to think of it, that last bit might explain the first two issues (although then neon green would be more appropriate).

Here's my favorite: the pooch's face has slid completely off his head and onto the board! I'm guessing the decorator added those paw prints after a few customers asked why the store was selling misshapen icing ploops on a board. (Yes, "ploops". I find it to be an apt description.)

Now there's a face only a mother could love. (And only a decorator could recognize, for that matter. Seriously, would you know this thing was supposed to be a dog?)

Thanks to Wreck-Wranglers Megan S., P.R., and Kristin!

Media Bullseye Interview

Hey Everyone!

Hard as this is to believe, I was asked recently to do another interview - this time a short n' sweet Five Questions segment over on Media Bullseye. Click here to check it out.

If you do read the interview, though, don't let my number of submissions stop you from sending in your own Wreck photos. Believe me, I can never have too many Wrecks, so keep 'em comin'! And thanks to all of you for helping to make Cake Wrecks such a success: you guys continue to amaze me with your general awesomeness.

Y'all wreck on now, y'hear?

- Jen