Teaming With Wreckage
The only thing I know about sports is that hitting the man in black over the head with a rock is NOT very sportsmanlike. Still, even *I* can see something's off with these sports team cakes.
I mean, c'mon, who takes a lovely sunburned R.O.U.S. like this:

At this point it's just morbid curiosity keeping you going, isn't it? [nodding] Yeah. I'm right there with ya.
Hey, you know those videos online where you see the freight train headed for the tanker truck full of gasoline, and part of you is cringing and thinking what a horrible tragedy is about to occur, and the other part is all, "Oh man, this is gonna be GOOD!"
Well, allow me to introduce a tanker truck full of gasoline:
Now, heeeere comes the freight traaaaaiiiin!! (Choo choo!)

Thanks to today's Wreckporters Steve R., Rebecca W., Tug T., Valerie, & Stephanie, who would never get involved in a land war in Asia.