This Bakery's Baby Shower Display May Actually Give You Nightmares

I thought I'd seen it all, dear minions. Heck, I HAVE seen it all.

Just... not like this:


Either these naked baby dolls came to life overnight and started eating the display cakes, OR - and this is even MORE disturbing - the bakery did this on purpose.



I'm not even creeped out by dolls, you guys - exhibit A-Z right here - but this? With all the icing smears, and those staring dead eyes? (And why - WHY - are they naked?!)

Yep. That's a giant plate o' NOPE, right there.

But wait!



Apparently this naked demon doll sat in the icing before collapsing, which really brings the ol' "I licked that piece so it's mine now" strategy to a whole new level.


Maybe you didn't notice lil' icing butt, though, because:









Thanks to Kristen D. for the sweet dreams. And my "sweet dreams" I mean "screaming nightmares." You monster.


P.S. I don't know if this is helping or hurting, but for $15 you can get a set of 4 "unicorn dolls" that "drink and pee," and between the "horn" and the mental image of them sleep-peeing all over the house in the middle of the night... I'm kinda tempted:

Unicorn Baby Dolls


And from my other blog, Epbot:

Disney Princess Cakes For Grown-Ups

You're never too old to love Disney Princesses, but sometimes you reach a point where you want a little less ruffles and bows, and something a bit more elegant.


(Cakeria Carioca, closed)

Like this!

That glittering pumpkin on top. Yessss.

And where are my Merida fans?


(Floren Bastante, Spain)

C'mon. How badass is this?

The carved texture on top is incredible, plus dig those asymmetrical arrows.

Here's a more realistic interpretation of Jasmine:


(Le Delizie di Kicca, Italy)

Oooh, shiiiiny. Love that gold leaf against the velvety plum color.

This Ariel cake is whisper soft and oh-so-elegant:


 (Karine Jingozian, California)

So many great details, and teeny bubbly pearls!

For the fan who likes Elsa, cosmetics, & warm hugs:


(Teddy Baker, Slovakia)

Olaf's expression cracks me up, but this is seriously one of the best Elsa cakes I've seen. I want that crown!

And from Frozen to Snow:


(Abbyliciousz The Cake Boutique, The Netherlands)

Snow White, that is. I like how the baker only used a tiny pop of yellow gold, and offset the red and blue with that tree bark chocolate. So good.

Another classic princess:


(Spring Bloom Cakes, Canada)

Oh wow, Belle's skirt looks like a porcelain! And the way the rose is floating off to the side? Gorgeous.

Here's another non-Disney take on a princess, where they made Mushu look WAY cooler:


(Sarah Hariz, France)


Awesome hand-painted art, and the 3D elements of the cherry blossoms and sugar flames really bring this to life.

Loving how clean and minimalist this Rapunzel design is:


(My Cake Natalia Casaballe, Argentina)

Once again the blending of 2D into 3D with that hair wrap gives me all the heart eyes.

And finally, let's end with a Tangled wedding cake, because I know you're gonna love this:


(Le Petit Sweet, Florida) 

It looks like an impressionist's painting!  ::dreamy sigh::  So sweet.

 I hope this week treats you like royalty, my friends, or at least surprises you with a little magic.

Happy Sunday!


P.S. Look at this pretty princess shirt! I love the Art Nouveau look on it:

Women's Disney Princess Tee

It comes in 8 other colors, too, in case you don't like purple.


And from my other blog, Epbot: