Next Time Keep Your Shirt On, Dad

John and I are driving up to Atlanta for Dragon Con today, which means A) CAR SNACKS and B) this is an excellent time to post the best/worst geek wreck I've seen in ages.

AGES, I say.

Let me take you back to the most iconic scene in all of Star Wars, peeps and geeks. Our hero, wounded but defiant, looks up in disbelief as the dark figure above him utters the words that would change his life and a franchise... forever.




Oh hey, you're totally right! Thanks for giving us a hand there, Luke.


Hey Beth D., I've got a riddle for you:

Why is Kylo Ren so bad at dating?

'Cause he's always Ben Solo.


Unlike these wrecks, this LEGO set is adorable - and on sale!

LEGO Star Wars AT-AT vs Tauntaun

Lookit the little AT-AT! And the Luke-warm Tauntaun! I'm not into the big sets so much, but I'd get these little bitties to display on my desk.


And from my other blog, Epbot:

Who You Callin' 'Pro'?

You all know I only feature professionally made Wrecks here on CW. The irony, of course, is that I mistake pro for amateur way more often than the other way around! Heh. So anyway, while I've been told that today's Wrecks are indeed made by real, honest-to-goodness, got-paid-for-their-efforts cake decorators, part of me still refuses to believe it.

I'm still posting them, though, because they're all wedding cakes. Served at people's actual weddings. And even if one was actually made by Aunt Mildred who calls herself a pro but really isn't, I think the world deserves to see this cautionary tale.

Plus, you know, it's funny.

Whoa, thank goodness for fresh flowers, am I right? Too bad they didn't have enough to hide the fact that the cake is being served on a giant dry-erase board, though.

I also like the gentle placement of the topper. It really screams "finesse."


This was taken during The Great Icing Shortage of '73 - back when grooms were stayin' alive with their groovy butterfly collars and the bridesmaids wore Frigidaire green. Looks like they ran out of flowers here too, though, and raided the fruit bowl instead.


Hey, "Love to Highway", right? And getting married doesn't mean the groom has to give up his matchbox cars.


And now, a haiku for you, wedding cake:

red bleeding ribbon
did the cake get in a fight?
lumpy icing tiers


And finally, before I show you this last Wreck, I feel I should reiterate that the bride herself *assured* me she paid actual money to an actual professional to make it. Honest. Really.

Now, in the baker's defense, I'm told the insides of all the cake tiers were raw.

How is that a defense, you ask?

Well, er...

Oh! I know! Imagine how hard it must've been to stack all those raw cake tiers! Eh? Yeah, I like to look on the sunny side of things. Which is good, because this cake is so sunny I can hear my retinas sizzling.


Hey, Grace C., Tony M., Anony M., Anony #2., & Anita R., "sizzling retinas" would be a terrible band name. Really. Just awful.


P.S. Speaking of things that make your head hurt, a friend recently got me this gel cap for my migraines, and sweet icy Stay Puft, y'all, it's amazing:

Migraine Hot/Cold Gel Cap

 I have a huge head and a lot of hair, so it's pretty snug on me, but the extra pressure with the cold is heavenly during a migraine. I used to hold a cold pack and keep shifting it around from side to side, but this wraps my entire skull in a cooling hug. Ahhhh so good.

I keep the gel cap sealed in the fridge all the time now, so I can grab it as soon as a headache starts up. The cold only lasts 15-20 minutes, but it's 1000% worth it in my book, highly recommend.