Jen Pipes Down

Although the past few days have been fun, I think we're all ready to just let some Wrecks speak for themselves, don't you?

Wow. Very eloquent, Beth H. I never knew that "fithy years plus nine" equaled a "Happle Birthday." Or that random capitalization and periods (the punctuating kind, that is, not the monthly kind) were so in vogue these days. Maybe. i. should. Try. it.!.*

Ok, Monica S., I promise: As soon as I find some "underware", I'll remember to wear them.

Um. What?
Julie S., did this come with a translator?

Or not to cool?
That is the question, Jodee R.

Exclusionary cake really is the best kind:

Unless of course "But-Ringo" is some kind of unfortunate nickname. Which would make you wonder how know...

Yeah, maybe we shouldn't follow that thought train too far down the tracks, eh, Glynis E.? Yeah. Hey kids, just look at that ugly airbrushing! Woo wee, is that ugly! Haha!

*Hey, I just realized that when you combine a ! with two ..s, it looks kind of like a cute little chicken head. See? .!. No? Ok, I've officially been at this computer too long...

Happy Earth Day to You...


Hey everybody. This is john (the hubby of Jen) taking on today's post since Jen Yeah. So how 'bout that post yesterday, huh? It's like one minute everything's all hunky-dory, and then next thing I know Jen's threatening to strike over something to do with a Disney font. Last I saw, she was on the couch in her memory foam slippers with a pint of Chunky Monkey and watching SGA reruns. I believe her exact words to me were, "YOU write it!!!" And I see the facial tic is back. Greeeaaat.

Which brings us to Earth Day!!! (Wait. Why are we still doing Earth Day cakes? It was like a week ago. *sigh*) Earth Day!!! Who doesn't love cake for their Earth Day? I thought it would be hard to find Earth Day cakes but it turns out those kooky decorators are still making them!

Our first cake was actually made for some guy named Scopios. I mean, what a crazy name, right? But this guy must really love Earth Day 'cause someone got him a cake.

Too bad this decorator doesn't know how to spell!*

And how about this next one?

Hey Tori Beth! Earth Day's been around for a long time ya know. What, were you born, like, a year ago?

And finally, here's the last one, which is why it's called finally.

Who else thinks we should take the airbrush out of the hands of the bakers? Who's with me?!?! You know. 'Cause the meat folks could put them to better use. For ham glazes. And signs.

So that's my post. Hopefully Jen will be back soon, although I just heard her tell the cat "Spaceship Earth is IN Epcot" between mouthfuls.

Katie V., Chelle, & Sarah A., Wreck On!

*See, what I did here is I took the "B" out of the word "Birthday" to make it sound like "Earth Day" even thought that is clearly not what the cake was supposed to say. I did this because there were almost no actual Earth Day cakes submitted, which means that either a) they were all fantastic, b) there were none made, or c) everybody has thrown their batteries into a lake and, thusly, nobody has a working camera. Thank you and good night!