Breaking Sad

Friends, countrymen, meth heads.

Today is a sad day. Or a happy day. A day of mourning. Or rejoicing.

What I'm saying is, today is a day of a lot of emotional stuff, and you are no doubt feeling many things of an emotional nature... because of a TV show.

This cake is breaking, Grad.


I myself am blissfully unaffected by last night's finale, since I don't watch Breaking Bad - but I've watched John go through the emotional wringer with this show, and have picked up a few interesting factoids.


Interesting Factoid #1: Sometimes you DO need chemistry after high school.

Just like you occasionally need to know what laboratory flasks and beakers look like.


Interesting Factoid #2: Blue rock candy will never look the same again.

(Apparently this is a sports thing, NOT someone cheering on a pregnancy test result. Pity.)


Interesting Factoid #3: Bald is badass:

Er... usually.

But of course we Trekkers already knew that.


Interesting Factoid #4: Glasses + a mustache = either Walter White or Mike Ditka:

Your move.


Interesting Factoid #5: Mobile drug labs are, like, all the rage this season.

I couldn't find a motor home cake. Just go with it.


Interesting Factoid #6: Violence is never the answer. Except when it is.

Also, flowers make everything better.


Interesting Factoid #7: Pink teddy bears clearly need some kind of protective society:



And finally, while there are lots of great Breaking Bad cakes out there, I think I'll leave you with these fantastic cookies by Mike of SemiSweet Designs - 'cuz they're way too fun to keep to myself:

Oh, and if you're one of the many planning to wear a yellow hazmat suit this Halloween, do me a favor and carry a hair dryer around with you. And introduce yourself as Darth Vader.



Thanks to Sean P., Wendy M., Charla Y., Lynn G., Mike & Rebecca, Melissa M., D.B., & Sherry L. for being the ones who rock. :)




We've randomly selected the winners for yesterday's Extreme Cakeover's give-away, and they are: Linda S., Rita L., and Smiley0419. Congrats, you three! You should be receiving an e-mail from us shortly, but if not, please e-mail your mailing address to comments [at] cake wrecks [dot] com. And many thanks again to Rick & Sasha of cakelava for sharing the goodies!

Sunday Sweets: You Can't Handle The Cute!

Hi. I'm Jen, and I'm addicted to cute.

What can I say? Sometime I just NEED to see a baby dragon holding a beach ball surrounded by pastel pennant bunting.

(By Choko Late)

Ahhhh. That's the stuff.

(Even the letters are adorable. How?!)


Needless to say, I heartily approve of cutesying up my favorite characters, like Bats and Wonder Woman here:

(By Little Pieces of Heaven, found here)

Cutest crime-stoppers evah! And how perfect are their colors together?


I know some folks find the button eyes on Lalaloopsy dolls a little too Coraline-esque, but I'm completely nuts for them:

(By Jussra Soares and found here - but no website is listed. Anyone have it?)

Squee! Srsly, it's all I can do not to start binge-buying these every time I'm near the toy aisle. And would you look how sweet that quilted pattern is? With the little tape measure and sewing basket and spools? And that fabric name plaque on the wall with the birthday girl's name is super fun.


I think these next two need no introduction:

(By The Cupcake Maker)

...but that's Despicable behavior.

If you're not smiling right now, you should get your emotion chip checked. And is anyone else expecting to see that goggle strap snap back at any second? I feel like I could reach out and twang it, it's so perfect!


So. Buzz Lightyear. Could he be any cuter?

Why yes, yes he could:

(By Don Buciak II)

I will never stop being amazed at what Don can do with just buttercream - NEVER. (Yes, that's all icing!) Think you can't have a show-stopping sculpted cake without fondant? Then hit that link up there and go see more of Don's work - but hang on to your socks.


I've determined there aren't nearly enough Rainbow Brite cakes in the world. Happily Amy here is working to fix that:

(Submitted by Kate F. and made by Amy A-S)

YES. I love her ponytail, and the rainbow stars. Of course, you do realize I'll be spending the next hour searching ebay for my old doll with the crinkly holographic skirt, right? And a Twink in every color, so I can make a Twink rainbow? They'll look perfect next to my Gremlin and Animaniac dolls.
Aw yeeeah.


And now, the cutest knight in all the land:

(By Tal Tsafrir's Cakes)

Accompanied by the cutest dragon, perched atop the cutest castle. In fact, I'm pretty sure that's the Kingdom of Cute, right there.


Sure, Hello Kitty is already pretty darn adorable - but EVERY girl looks better with nerdy glasses and a little plaid bow, amirite?

(Submitted by Kristen R. and made by Alena's Sweets)


Speaking of which, I've always thought the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles would be more fun as girls - haven't you?

(By Little Cherry Cake Company)

And girls who like cupcakes just as much as they like their pizza, too - because those are the kind of teenage mutant ninja turtles *I* want to hang out with. Cowabunga, dudettes!


Er, you may want to cover your ears, 'cuz I'm about lose my adorbz-loving mind over this next one:

(By Chef Sam)

TIGGER!!! It's all. About. That. Tigger. And the balloons. Yes. I want that little Tigger, holding the balloons, on my desk, IMMEDIATELY.

Please? [Bambi eyes]


I'll admit that not all robots are cute, but for every murderous Dalek or Cylon there's a chipper little sweetie like this, just waiting to bloop at you cheerfully and offer to play a game of checkers:

(By Cheirinho De Coisa Boa)

That smile! And his eyes light up!


Well, my friends and fellow addicts, I hope you've gotten your fill of cute Sweets today - but if not, I think a happy little penguin wearing an aviator cap and balancing on a circus ball should do the trick:

(By Pauline Bakes The Cake)

[collapses from the cute]

Yep, we're done here.

Happy Sunday, everyone!


EXTRA BONUS SWEETNESS: Our friends Rick and Sasha over at cakelava - whose work we've featured a lot over the years here on Sweets - just wrote a fun book called Extreme Cakeovers:

And even better, they have three copies to give away to you guys! So just comment below to enter, and we'll announce the three lucky winners in tomorrow's post. Good luck!


P.S. - Curious to see which bakers in your area have been featured here on Sweets? Then go check out our Sunday Sweets Directory!