A Toad-ally Awesome Leap Day Celebration

Today is Leap Day, minions, so we've decided to take the completely original route of celebrating with frog cakes.


It's a frog. Honest.


The correlation between Leap Day and frogs is obvious, of course:
both are things you tend to forget unless you were born on one.

(To be fair, that'd probably also be pretty memorable for the frogs.)


[croaking sounds]


Plus, you know, frogs jump and stuff.


...when they're not getting run over.

Just like Leap Day runs over with, um, happiness?



Also like Leap Day, frogs rarely show up on calendars.


Unless you count the annual Ripped Ribbets of Reno page-a-day.
("These amorous amphibians are ready to show you their bachelor pads!")


Let's see, what else?

Ah, well, Leap Day only happens every four years, just like frogs take turns visiting me in the shower every four years.


Let's just say they're not the only ones who can hop around and scream bloody murder.


Yep, both Leap Day and frogs can catch us by surprise:




...and are hard to hold onto:



...but should always be celebrated with style:


...until someone gets peed on.

Then the party's over.

So happy birthday, Leap Day babies, and happy Leap Day to the rest of you!


Thanks to Andrea L., Katie M., Christina W., Jenny P., Lynette, Melissa M., Jen C., and Diane C. for the best ways to have a frog in your throat.


P.S. Ever want to wear something a little different to bed to surprise your SO?

Frog Sleep Mask

Because this $7 froggy eye mask has eyes you can open or close, and I am DYING thinking about rolling over in bed and scaring the froggy poop out of John with them staring at him wide-eyed. Omigosh. Dying.


And from my other blog, Epbot:

Blandle... OF JOY

You might think with all the wrecks I see each day I'd get a little jaded, but the truth is I'm constantly finding new favorites to show the cats. (And then we laugh and laugh and have a little more of this here happy juice. Good times.)

In fact, this is my new favorite baby shower cake:

Why, you ask?

Well, for a start: "Congratoletionsj." C'mon.

Next, it's painfully obvious that the first baker stopped writing after "blandle," forcing someone else to come along later and write "OF JOY!"

Which is kind of like tripping during a tap dance routine, falling off the stage into the orchestra pit - destroying the entire percussion section in the process - and then, while the audience is still waiting in shell-shocked horror to see if you're still alive, popping up and throwing some frantic jazz hands for the big finish.

Can't you see it?

[jazz hands] "OF JOY!!"

Oh, and did I mention the "blandle" bit? 'Cuz while I'm not sure what that actually is, I'm pretty sure this must be one:

A butt? A belly? A headless, armless infant contortionist?


It's a BLANDLE, bee-yotches. Yep, you heard it here first. Tell your friends. (If only to warn them.)

And while you're at it, tell John I needs me some more happy juice. Ring-a-ding-ding, farm boy!

[dropping mic]

PEACE. I'm out.

Thanks to Erin N., Shelley P., Suki, Eva, Mr. Snugglypants, Mrs. Whiskertickins, Sir Fuzzyknickerbottoms, & Oosawiddlewoveypiekins for being such a great audience.


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