Beyond Bizarre

It's Hatching Men

Well, here's something you don't see every day:

[adjusting spectacles and consulting clipboard] Here we have two neanderthal males with questionable chest hair hatching from watery eggs. As you can see, the one on the right has acclimated to the process, while the one on the left is all "AAAAAUUUGGHH!!"

Which is a paraphrase, of course, since in Neanderthal it'd actually be more like "OokalockahoohooGROOOOOOONK!"

Now when I first saw that picture, I figured some lone baker somewhere had gone off the deep end. Which doesn't seem an unreasonable hypothesis when you look at that icing armpit hair.

Then I saw this next one:

So the neanderthal has evolved into a suave grey fox with well-groomed armpit hair and an outie belly button that will give mothers everywhere a coronary, but the question remains:

Why are bakeries making cakes of men hatching out of watery eggs?

Thanks to Kathleen C. for the egg-cellent wreckporting.


You know, when I see something like this I can't help but wonder:


Exactly which part do they consider the "surprise?"

The candy wrappers smashed into the icing on the cupcakes?

The cupcakes smashed into the icing on the cupcakes?

Or could it be the fact that someone managed to write $18.99 without a giant "LOL - j/k!" after it?

Thanks to AmyLynn, who knows some three-year-olds who do this for free. No matter how hard their parents try to stop them.


P.S. This shirt was crying out to be included today:

"What's Wrong With Society" T-Shirt

Let's just hope it doesn't give wreckerators any new ideas.


And from my other blog, Epbot: