Oh My Stars!

As I'm sure you've all heard, there was a bit of a dust-up recently over whether or not our astrology signs have changed. Betrayal, bewilderment, boredom...there was a veritable gamut of emotions running wild.

Fortunately, CNN has since assured the world that my not being a Taurus is total bull. Whew! However, just for fun, let's take a look at these "new" signs and how they might have changed our lives forever.


Capricorn: Jan. 20 – Feb. 16
Capricorns are known to be obedient and dedicated. If you ask a Capricorn to do something, you can be sure it is going to get done...


Aquarius: Feb. 16 – March 11
Aquarius is represented by water, which fits this sign's creative, "free flow" personality.

"That'll be $28.95, please."

Pisces: March 11- April 18
Pisces is an emotional yet generous sign. These selfless individuals will give until it hurts.

Or until they run out of room.

Aries: April 18 - May 13
Much like their symbol the ram, Aries are fearless creatures. They forge boldly ahead, letting no man, beast...

...or periwinkle border stand in their way.

Taurus: May 13- June 21
Taurus is a sign that never backs down. This stubborn bull will stand her ground through all of life's challenges.

"Look, the writing on the order form says 'Blinday.' END OF STORY."

Gemini: June 21 - July 20
Gemini is often of two minds, waiting to make a choice until the very last minute.

When it's over she'll know if she can write "happy" or not.

Cancer: July 20 - Aug. 10
Cancers are rooted in the past, home and hearth. You can trust a Cancer to feed you, mother you, clean you, feed you, love you...

...and feed you.

And then maybe eat you.

Leo: Aug. 10- Sept. 16
Leos are very ambitious - shooting for the stars, taking on large projects, and sometimes getting in over their heads.

Or King Tut's, as the case may be.

Virgo: Sept. 16 - Oct. 30
You can always count on the reliable Virgo to deliver steady, consistent results.

This is more of a virtue if they know how to spell.

Libra: Oct. 30- Nov. 23
Libra has a clear sense of right and wrong, and is always a fair and impartial judge. However, Libra also craves communication and loves an opportunity to prove her intelligence.

Yes, thank you, Libra.

Scorpio: Nov. 23- Nov. 29
Sharp-shooter Scorpio has no problem telling it like it is. Scorpio is honest, direct, and lays everything out in black and white.

Scorpio is usually free most Saturday nights.

Sagittarius: Dec. 17- Jan. 20
Nothing can slow down a carefree Sagittarius. Her spontaneity and drive keep things fun and interesting:

...and also covered in SPRINKLES!!! Wheeee!

Wreckiuchus: Nov. 29- Dec. 17
Wreckiuchus likes to hide in plain sight, often going years before revealing himself to those closest to him.
Some skeptics say Wreckiuchus doesn't actually exist, but if you cross your eyes and stare really hard, we think you'll get the message.

The message being that you look pretty silly with your eyes crossed, of course.

Thanks to Kailee M., Sarah C., Maggie B., Jinglei, Aaron, Jordan F., Niloufer R., Anony M., Heather & Mikki, Katie O., Elizabeth, Stina, & Valerie M., who should all look before they leap, take advantage of sudden windfalls, and explore new opportunities today. And then maybe buy their favorite bloggers a snack. (We like Bugles.)

Sunday Sweets: So Stinkin' Cute

This week we're featuring some of the sweetest, cutest, most adorable, lovable, um... [consulting thesaurus] darling, bewitching, and fetching baby animal cakes you ever will see. Why? Well, if you must know, I'm feeling a bit sensitive this week.

This is john, by the way.

So, let me just get my box of tissues and we'll do this thing. Starting with Jen's favorite:

Found at the 2008 Orlando ICES Convention; baker unknown.

The hand-painted shading here is amazing. And the animals are adorable. And the lion isn't eating the zebra or the giraffe. So it's a win-win-win.

This cake is slightly more realistic:

Sub'd by Hilda F., and made by The Sweetest Thing Cake Studio

See how the monkey and giraffe cower in fear as the mighty tiger stalks his prey? Can you feel the tension? Can. You. FEEL IT?!?! No?

Maybe it's just me.

And now... sweet sleeping dragon!

Sub'd by Amelie B. and made by her sister Helene

Awwww. Okay. *sniff* I'm all verklempt. *sniff* I promised myself I wouldn't cry...

[blowing nose]

Hey! Look! Pandas!

Sub'd by Aljona and made by KralleCakes

And not just any pandas; these are the rare Russian Nesting Pandas. The mostly eat eucalyptus leaves and borscht.

Preeeesenting, the sweetest giraffe ever!

Literally. I think the lack of neck really adds to the adorabletude, don't you?

And because I have an inordinate affection for tigers:

Sub'd by Jade D. and made by Theresa Gue

So. Cool. Jen says this reminds her of some Lisa Frank folders she had in middle school. Which she claims is a huge compliment. So there.

And you know what else has stripes? (I am the king of segues)

Sub'd by Brenda B., and made by Lilo Taart

I'm digging the bow and the vintage 20's hair part. Just dandy!

And speaking of bows. (I'm on a roll!)

By Aletha B.


And get this: this is Aletha B.'s first cake. Yes, really! Mike, Duff, and Bronwen better watch out, 'cuz Aletha B.'s coming, and she's got a Cthulhu.

And speaking of... cake. (Okay, that one wasn't my best work.)

By Ann N.

Adorable. And hip. Oh. Yeah.

Another of Jen's favorites:

Sub'd by Orna G., and made by Odelia

Hand-painted rosebuds, cuddly teddy bears, and a miniature cake on cake? I can bearly stand it!

And finally, for your viewing pleasure, allow me to present...

a unicorn with a comb-over:

Sub'd by Elizabeth A., and made by Sachi Swick

You're welcome.

Now, who wants to WIN SOME FREE BOOKS?!? Huh? Awwwww yeeeeeeaaah.

Zooborns, one of our favorite so-cute-it-hurts websites, has given us two of their new books to give to two of you loyal wreckies!

One's for little kids:

And the other's for everyone else who likes cute:
(Click on the pics for more info)

We'll be giving away one copy of each, so feel free to tell us in the comments which you'd prefer. Two winners will be randomly chosen from the comments tonight at midnight EST, so stay tuned on FB or check this spot again tomorrow for the announcement of the winners!
UPDATE!!!! The random number generator hath spoken! The winners are:

GrammaR @ 2:20 PM for the first book and
Ai @ 8:51 PM for the second!

Please email your addresses to comments (at) cakewrecks.com so we can mail out your prizes. And thanks to everyone for your great comments!

Wreck On!
-john (the hubby of Jen)

Have a Sweet to nominate? Then send it to Sunday Sweets [at] Cake Wrecks [dot] com.