Name That Wreck!

I think we can all agree that if your name is pronounced "Elizabeth" but spelled with three "I"s and a silent "Q", then you void your right to complain when a baker gets it wrong.

However, there are times when you think the baker might have stopped to question somewhere along the line:

"Jackign?" Is that supposed to be Jacking? And if so, who names their child Jacking??

Never mind.

I've seen "Bart" turned to "Brat," "Brian" turned to "Brain," and "Tink" turned to "Fink" - but nothing beats the nickname Chris just picked up:

Words cannot express how much I hope they served this with water.

[That's right, Chris: you just got SUNDAY SCHOOLED.]

Of course, Doug's new moniker is slightly less complimentary:

But I'm sure he rose to the occasion anyway.

I like to think this is a cake for the Riddler's quintuplets:

But that's a questionable theory.

(In reality, they asked for the name to be written in Cyrillic.)

Look, bakers, I know there are lots of unusual spellings and strange name choices out there these days, but just remember:

If at first you don't succeed, 

try it again in cursive directly underneath.

See? Bob's your uncles!

Thanks to Rae Lynn, Lizz H., Tom H., Jill C., Joel H., & Stacey T. for leaving out all the silent Qs.


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Sexy Mommy Knows Best

Bakers, you're going to have to trust me on this, but there's a difference - a BIG difference - between "sexy mama,' and "sexy mommy."

Especially on a "Hoppy 21th" birthday cake.

Just... no. Stop it.

And speaking of uncomfortable sexy things, you know that feeling when you're staring at a pair of thong underwear for way too long wondering why there's SO MUCH HAIR on the bottom and then suddenly you're like, "Oh, it's a hat." ?

That was me today before lunch.

And finally, there are lots of Marks and Marcs out there, but today we're wishing a "Happy Brithday" to Marc-with-the-C:

That's right, live it up, all you Marcs! We could use more C-men in our lives.

Thanks to Kelly M., Lori H., & Shelia W. for C-ing what I did there.


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