An Indecent Proposal

Suppose you're a professional baker, and you want to propose to the love of your life. What do you do?

Why, you make a cake of course!

And you pour all of your time, talent, and t-passion into that cake, because this, of all the cakes in your career, is without a doubt the most important.



Ok, fine - I guess you could also do this:



Putting aside the fact that I'm oddly reminded of a Holiday Inn bedspread, I have to say I'm most curious about that oh-so-unique texture. What do you think the baker used? Bath sponge? Plastic bag? Hair brush?


Thanks to Ashley W., a "friend" of the happy couple who assures me the answer was still "yes." Dude. THAT GIRL IS A KEEPER.

Literally? LITERALLY.

If Cake Wrecks has taught us anything, it's that you have to be really careful what you say to a baker:

Houston, we have a problem.


Insert snarky comment here: ...........


This one I'm actually Ok with - but only because the baker included some this time.


Ah, the perils of buying a cake and picking it up later:

(Do you think the baker write5 all hi5/her Ss like thi5?)


"So, whaddaya want?"

"Hang on, where?"


Wow. That is SO...well, you know.


I guess we should be glad these mistakes are on cake, though, which is easily disposed of. I hear tanker trucks are way more difficult:

Well, maybe not if you have a match, but still.


And what does it say when this pops up in front of your kids' school?

I get the feeling this "shold read" something else.


So the next time you see a literal LOL iced on a cake, just remember:

Somewhere there are people with this frame on their mantels. 

(Although I bet they got it for cheap!)


Thanks to Kelsey C., Bami, Kim L., Kathy R., Tam, Anony M., John O., Jen G., & Robyn S. for literally being my most recent wreckporters.