Don't Take That Literally, Spider-Man
Briana S. asked the baker to make her cookie cake "look cute."

And when Lynnette's baker asked what color frosting she wanted, she said, "Whatever pops out of the icing tube; I don't care."
You should know better, Lynn.

Not gonna lie; given Spidey's positioning, my mind went somewhere else entirely with the whole "pops out" thing. (WHAT.)
You ever pick up a cake at the grocery store bakery, and it's so, SO bad, but you're too embarrassed to say anything, so you sneak over to the canned vegetable aisle and stick it on a shelf while no one's looking?

Jennifer B. found this here, and all I can say is: good call, shopper.
(I kind of love how the cake's announcing itself to the green beans, though.)
Isn't it cute when bakers are just learning to write their numbers?

I'm gonna guess Drew is somewhere between 5 and 6.
(I usually censor bakery names, btw, but would you LOOK at that cake board? Hey, if Price Chopper Bakery wants credit that badly, who am I to stand in their way?)
And finally, here's a sweet visage to whisk you off to dreamland tonight:

Thanks to Briana S., Lynnette M., Jennifer B., Lea A., & R.B. for reminding us there's more fish in sea - so I'm prolly never sleeping again.
P.S. Hey, here's something handy:
These clever headrest hooks turn the back of your car seats into extra storage! Perfect for purses, shopping bags, water bottles, umbrellas, etc - and even better, they're on sale this week for $7!