Pipe Dreams

"Okay, Tiger, you can do this. It's just an engagement cake, nothing to be afraid of.

"Here goes..."

"Steady... steeeeady..."



"Now to finish up the delicate vine-work on this wedding cake."



"This next one calls for 'Cornelli Lace'. Huh."




And for my piece de resistance, a magical Cinderella coach for the bride and groom's table!!





Heh. Aheh.

I should probably go back to the deli now.


Thanks to Jenna P., Jade C., Catherine C., and Vanessa S. for letting me play with clipart again.


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My New Favorite Thing Ever: STICK A STICK IN IT

Ahh, black and white weddings. So classic. So chic. Why, just look at this beribboned beauty here:


That's what the bride wanted.

This is what the bride got:



And how about this little number?

Simple white tiers, drippy dragees, a flower topper - what could go wrong?


[deadpan stare]

[uncomfortable silence]

[slow, creepy grin]



Oh, you know you love it.


Ok, last one. Behold this black and white flight of fancy:



Now behold When Flights of Fancy Collide With The Telephone Pole Of Ineptitude:

Here's what Angela, the bride, had to say:

"...the cake was falling apart when she brought it in and once she sat it down she started grabbing glow bracelets and stuffing them in the cake along with a stick she had my mom break off a tree outside...."


I'm going to stop you there, Angela, just so we can all savor this moment.


Everyone done savoring?
Ok, Angela, please continue.


"....and the cake was not even fully decorated...the back of the cake was bare....and I had asked to have burgundy hearts and white daisies added as well... it wasn't even the cake I had wanted and she said she could do them no problem!"


There's a lesson to be learned here, my friends. A lesson which I am not prepared to reveal because I'm too busy looking for the tree branch jammed in that cake up there.


Thanks to Karie C., Mikki J., and Angela for sharing their pain with us today. So that we may laugh. At their pain. But in a supportive way.


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