7 Reasons To Avoid The Bakery This Easter

7 Reasons To Avoid The Bakery This Easter:

- Those annoyingly cheerful Easter colors:

It's like they managed to bottle Spring.


- Saint Harry's Tinsel Toupees:

"For when your hair hasn't got a prayer!"


- REALLY Bad Eggs:

Drink up, me hearty, yo ho!
(You're gonna need it.)


- Professional Toddler Art:

Say what you will, but I find it admirable that someone is getting all these three-year-olds off the street and into real jobs.


- Mutant Pig Bunnies

Two words: Pork Hops.


For those of you who may bemoan the secularization of Easter:

Now aren't you glad they usually stick to bunnies?

(That supposedly says, "He Has Risen." Even worse, I think the red thing is supposed to be a cross.)


And finally:

- Ewe-Know-Who:

That's some shear terror, right there.


Thanks to Rachael J., Molly R., Lynaa W., Amanda S., Angelica C., Leah R., & Melissa M., who'd like to point out that THIS sheep Voldemort has a much better likeness, but I think she's just potty.



When bunnies play with portals:

"The cupcakes are a lie!"



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And from my other blog, Epbot:

The Easter Bizarre

I know we've been seeing some odd Easter treats this week, so today I thought we'd get back to basics.

After all, nothing beats a nice, time-honored, classic Easter...


...loaf of bread.


Yep, Easter is now infecting spreading its cheer throughout the entire bakery!


Just look at this happy character:

Cocaine Bunny sez:


"I'm your monkey fighting FANTASY! Just check the tag." [sniff]

Other bakeries are endorsing bunny-cide in more...creative ways:

Because the Alien chest-burster scene always makes me hungry.


Speaking of which, this one gives a whole new meaning to "Alien face hugger":

When it comes to spotting Wrecks, he's all ears.


Next we have the traditional Trojan Rabbit:

Just don't leave it unsupervised come nightfall.


Thanks to Christine C., Sue, Bliss B., Ali M., & Shannon C., who think two Monty Python references in two days is just wrong. After all, everyone knows THREE is the number thou shalt count.



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And from my other blog, Epbot: