Sunday Sweets Celebrates Gray Skies

It's no secret I love color, and generally speaking, the brighter and bolder, the better.

But today I'm featuring Sweets with as little color as possible, and in fact in my least favorite color for cakes: gray. Gray has always felt like an absence of color to me, like a desaturated photo. I love to wear it, but I've always been skeptical about gray cake. So today I decided to challenge myself and expand my color horizons by finding cakes I truly love almost entirely in shades of gray.

Like this!


(Little Vintage Baking Company, Bakery closed)

SWOON. Petal soft and so delicate.


(Cupcakes and Counting, Ireland)

This texture is incredible, and I can already see how taking MOST of the color out makes you appreciate the subtle shades that are still there. 

Here's a crisp clean design:


(Pastry chef at Gaylord Opryland, Tennessee)

I never would have chosen these colors together - EVER - but wow is it gorgeous. 

This one looks like molded plaster:


(Chef Ece Akyildiz, Turkey)

I've seen this flower technique before, where the baker uses a palette knife to place and shape each petal like thick paint. It's incredible to watch.

Or how about a little shine?


(Lori's Custom Cakes, California)

The soft pastel flowers really make this sing. Lavender and gun-metal gray are heavenly together.

Would you ever guess that gray butterflies could look this dreamy?


(Elena Gnut, Russia)

They remind me of smoke drifting upward. Surreal and beautiful.

Here come another stoney design, although this one looks less like a wall plaque and more like the wall of some ancient forest temple:


(Cake It, Russia)

Right down to the clinging vine! I love the tiny touches of bright green "moss" in the nooks and crannies.

This one is more black and white than gray, but it's so pretty I had to include it:


(Ivy and Stone Cake Design, Australia)

Those black and silver bars and the clear plexiglass divider - and the lights! - make it look more like digital art than cake. Jaw officially dropped.

I'm ready to believe this is actual fabric and the cake just has a fan blowing on it:


(Jasmine Rae Cakes, California)

Right? RIGHT?

From weightless and airy to these chunky building blocks:


(Lima Cakes, Canada)

This finish reminds me of Venetian Plaster, a wall treatment John and I used to apply with metal blades back when we were professional faux-finishers. Since then most bakers have started using those same blades for icing cakes, so I bet the technique is about the same!

And finally, one last gray beauty:


(Winifred Kriste Cake, online classes)

The gold trim and wine-red flowers give this a beautiful antique flair, wow.

I think I'm warming up to gray cakes now, gang, how about you?

I hope these made you smile! May your Sunday be restful, delightful, and as always, extra Sweet.


More gray goodies! 

These lounge pants apparently run super long, but all the reviews say they're also super-duper comfy:

Women's Stretch Lounge Pants

I love the yellow rose print! There are over 35 different patterns to choose from, too.


And from my other blog, Epbot:

Ode to a Bun Fight and a Blob Fish

We do rag on bakers quite a bit over here, so I say, every now and then, why not throw them a bone?


Apparently he's a communal NO I CAN'T SAY IT.


That is exactly what the customer asked for, btw, and let me tell you, Bridgett-the-baker was very happy to see this order form:


So thank you, friends of Dick, for making one baker's duty fun again.
Also I just giggled like a 10-year-old through that entire sentence.


Here's a multi-eyed blob fish saying "WOW":


Or maaaaybe a melting pink... purse?... saying MOM.

I say we stick with the blobfish.


Now it's time for The More You Know! 'Cuz I'm bringing that back, y'all.

Ahem hem hem.

"Bonne féte" is French for "happy birthday."


"Bun Fight" is... not.


And finally, the silent game of workmanship that just keeps on giving:



Who knew they constructed their invisible boxes out of actual logs?


Thanks to Bridgett B., Anony M., Louise C., & Judi S. for finally finding an age-appropriate wreck for minor miners.


P.S. I'll admit I don't know much about Minecraft, but this LEGO set is a chicken coop shaped like a giant chicken, and that's quality I can get behind.

LEGO Minecraft The Chicken Coop


And from my other blog, Epbot: