July Wrecks Forth

"Ok, staff, July 4th is coming and we need new cake designs. I'm talking stuff that screams, 'AMERICA.'" [pointing] "Jackie, GO."

"Uh... butterflies?"

"I like it. Pat?"


"Maybe a gator-lookin' thing?"

"Smart thinking; we'll ride the dinosaur craze. Gail?"

"Um. Poo cupcakes?"

"We already make those, Gail."

"... with red, white, and blue sprinkles?"



"Wesley, my man! Give me something sexy."

"Ok, you're going to love this. Picture, if you will..." [jazz hands] "...FLOPPY WANG."

"Ooooh, EDGY.


"But just to be safe, you better stick to your burning trashcans."

"I told you, they're not..."

[Everyone all together] "Shut up, Wesley."


"Now, Sally, baby! Whaddaya got that screams 'AMERICA'?"

"It's like you're the only one who gets me, Sally."


Thanks to Anna S., Cassidy T., Madison W., D.E., Emma D., & Caroline and Elyse for the thumbs up.


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These Wrecks Have Got Your Number

So there's this hilarious wrecky outbreak happening across our nation's bakeries, but it requires a little explanation before you can truly appreciate how funny it is.

Here's the deal:

See that? That's an edible image sheet. These sheets are supposed to work like individual stickers: you cut them up and only use the numbers & phrases you need.


Instead, bakers just keep plastering the entire sheet on a cake.

At first I figured it HAD to be intentional. Maybe they give you an edible marker with the cake, so you circle the right numbers?


Then I saw this:

You've gotta wonder: what does the baker THINK is happening here?


Or how about this one:

That's right; the baker cut up the sheet so it would all (kind of) fit.

Love the random "th" sticking out of the bottom.


I think most people are too confused to understand what's wrong with these cakes, but enough of you are still sending them in. So, I've just been collecting them:


Biding my time...


Waiting for the right moment to finally ask:

Seriously, bakers?



Thanks to Heather W., Angela F., Heather C., Ashley M., Emily F., Melissa L., & Heather D. for the big pile of sheet... cakes.


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