Jen and I are often asked what it's like to be "professional" bloggers. How do we spend our days? Do we have a swimming pool filled with gold coins? Are there fantastic parties and gourmet ketchups? The answer to all these questions is yes. Jen even has a green dress. (But not a real green dress. That's cruel.)
That doesn't mean it's all fun and games, though. Sometimes we take naps.
In fact, I think I'll keep a diary for a day, just so you can see firsthand the "glorious life" of the "Professional Blogger." Enjoy!
1:00 pm - Woke up to cats hammering on door and yowling. Note to self: get thicker door. Also, new cats.

1:35 pm - Cats' yowls going super sonic. Ear plugs ineffective. Time for the Super Soaker.
"Mruh Mroh."
2:10 pm - Jen's awake. Cats are hiding. I ask in my best Kirk impression (complete with hand gestures), "JEN! Are... you... readytobe... funny? We come in peace, shoot to kill, shoot to kill!"

Note to self: Avoid Kirk impressions before Jen's fully awake.
3:45 pm - Checked on Jen in the office. She has 27 browser tabs open and is humming "Loathing." So far, so good.
5:20 pm - Jen comes out of her office to reheat some "breakfast."

Pizza and Maalox: breakfast of champions.
7:20 pm - A yell from the office: "Oy! What're some puns for 'lactating?'"
7:32 pm - Final tally:
Milking it, so cheesy, really sucks, staying abreast of the whole situation, whipped into a frenzy, creamy complexion, skim off the top, nipped a pair of area oreos
8:15 pm - Maniacal laughter coming from office.
8:21 pm - Loud sobs coming from office.
8:30 pm - Colorful swearing coming from office. Huh. Rapid mood swings may indicate low blood sugar. I bring Jen a cookie.

Effect is immediate. "Ohh, and also
'eat, drink, and be dairy!'"
10:45 pm - Heading to McDonald's for lunch.

Thank goodness we're not food bloggers. (Oh. Wait...)
12:20 am- Break time. Watching Castle with Jen.

2:15 am- Jen heads back to the office. I'm off to bed.
(This was supposed to say "Just because." Seriously.)
3:35 am - Woken by a loud yell. Rushed out to find Jen staring horror-struck at a new e-mail:

4:04 am - Convinced Jen to come to bed. She lies in the dark, muttering, "
Can't sleep. Lobster in blond wig will eat me."
I think it's going to be another long night.
Thanks to Lyle, James, Alistair, Carissa, Amanda M., Helen W., Elizabeth M., Kristin S., Eilen, Tyler O., Dana S., & Beatrice Y., for helping us avoid "real" jobs. Now: nap time!
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