Droning It In

Ever wish that a fully decorated cake would just fall into your lap? Well now, thanks to unmanned drone technology, IT CAN.

That's right, a bakery in Shanghai, China recently began using drones to deliver their cakes. DRONES, you guys. Flying drones.

This may be the most brilliant creation ever invented, my friends. In fact, I'm suddenly feeling a lot less bitter about my lack of hoverboards and self-lacing sneakers. Flying robots delivering cake? Never mind, future: I'M GOOD.

Plus, drone-dropped cakes are great for so many occasions! You know, like:

New Years:

Mother's Day:


... and baby showers!

Even small orders will get that special "droned in" touch:

Oh, and can't forget The Big Day!


Not to worry; I'm sure that'll spring right back...

 Yes, my friends, the future is finally here, and the future is good. A little smooshed, sure, but good - and I, for one...

What's that, you say? 

China has GROUNDED the cake drones? Because the cakes might fall on someone or whatever?

Ok, I take it back. 


Thanks to Jessica S., Karra A., Lindsay S., David P., Seanna B., Rachel O., Jessy A., & Jessica R. for dropping by.

The Top 12 Cakes To Bring To Your Family Reunion

The Top 12 Cakes to Bring To Your Family Reunion:

(Assuming your family has an excellent sense of humor.)

(Or you just don't like them.)

With this many grammar errors, you can always blame it on your younger cousins.


Make sure you insist everyone sing to him, too.


Works best if your last name is Trumpet. Or if you have a bunch of sentient squabbling horns around.

(No, I don't know the back story. Feel free to imagine your own.)


And this one works best if you there are either a bunch of teenage girls in your family, or none at all.


Just like there's no place like the back seat for carrying home an ROUS and a giant ... log?

("Anybody want a peanut?")

I *think* this was supposed to say "Lordy Lordy, look who's forty." I like the vaguely ominous portent-of-death vibe, though. And, hey, conversation starter!

Because a little honesty can go a long way... towards getting everyone to leave early so you can go back to playing LEGO: Harry Potter.


Mom always said to be positive. Or possibly "possitive."


Serve with copious amounts of alcohol. Then:

... set this one out while no one's looking, sit back, and watch the accusations fly.


This is another one I don't have a back story on, but I like to imagine it was ordered by that Debbie Downer relative who's always going on about "kids these days" and how "we'll all belong to China in a few more years - just you watch."

Also, yes, that relative might be me. WHAT.


And finally:

SO CLOSE to "family ruin," and yet ... so far. Drat. 



Hey Shelly G., Krissy M., Amy S., Lisa C., Judi D., Laura B., Lisa V., Nicole S., Susan S., MJ, Vanessa S., & Laura S., I think I speak for us all when I say, "what's that supposed to mean??"