Cake News

Droning It In

Ever wish that a fully decorated cake would just fall into your lap? Well now, thanks to unmanned drone technology, IT CAN.

That's right, a bakery in Shanghai, China recently began using drones to deliver their cakes. DRONES, you guys. Flying drones.

This may be the most brilliant creation ever invented, my friends. In fact, I'm suddenly feeling a lot less bitter about my lack of hoverboards and self-lacing sneakers. Flying robots delivering cake? Never mind, future: I'M GOOD.

Plus, drone-dropped cakes are great for so many occasions! You know, like:

Mother's Day:


... and baby showers!

Even small orders will get that special "droned in" touch:

Oh, and can't forget The Big Day!


Not to worry; I'm sure that'll spring right back...

 Yes, my friends, the future is finally here, and the future is good. A little smooshed, sure, but good - and I, for one...

What's that, you say? 

China has GROUNDED the cake drones? Because the cakes might fall on someone or whatever?

Ok, I take it back. 


Thanks to Jessica S., Karra A., Lindsay S., David P., Seanna B., Rachel O., Jessy A., & Jessica R. for dropping by.


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And from my other blog, Epbot:


Hellooooooooooooo Minions!

Jen here.


Big News: Today marks the 10th - TENTH! - anniversary of this blog. You've just sucked ten years of my life away, with your wedding disasters and your overly literal snafoos and your unintentional buttercream dingalings, and I hope you're proud of yourselves.


Of course ten years is a MASSIVE milestone to reach online, and darn near unheard of in the vanishing world of blogging. Cake Wrecks is like a dinosaur you find frolicking through your lawn sprinklers one morning: you're not sure how it survived this long, or just what it thinks it's doing, but while it's there you may as well share pics on Facebook and have a laugh.



Now, I could regale you with sentimental anecdotes, maybe talk about how this site changed my life, or the time John nearly died on our first book tour, or, the true highlight, the time Brent Spiner put on a Carrot Jockey necklace.

But all that sounds way too final, and frankly, I'm not done with you people yet. Or Cake Wrecks.

So rather than bowing out gracefully on the perfect end date for a career well... er... careered? Is that a word? - Rather than all that, John and I've decided to pick up the reins and keep on beating this particular dead horse:

We never liked this guy.


Or, to put it in a way that's less likely to get us hate mail, we plan to ride this rocket allll the way down to glory, until you guys stop reading.

("We get the fancy ketchups? OH HAPPY DAY")


Now, as I think maybe three of you have noticed, we've spent the last 364 days re-running some of my favorite posts. Going forward I'll actually be writing some new stuff again, including all new Sweets. As the cool kids say, it's gonna be LIT. Mostly from birthday candles, but you get the idea.

So I hope you'll stick around, minions, and say nice things about us to your friends, because I need a lot of validation. (So, so much.) Also, send me your wrecks! Let's keep this party going!


Thank you for using our Amazon links to shop! USA, UK, Canada.

And from my other blog, Epbot: