11 Neon Cakes For Our Inner 90s Kids

If you love Lisa Frank, know what slap bracelets are, and have ever in your life worn neon paint-splattered clothing, then my friends, this is your safe space.

I'll start.

For my first day of 6th grade I wore a skirt made up of 3 ruffly layers. They were: fluorescent pink, fluorescent yellow, and a fluorescent green so bright I swear it provided its own light source.

And yet, somehow, this cake is EVEN PRETTIER:

(Alexa Alvino Cake, Brazil)

Look at these colors! EEEE! I'm in love.

You don't see many cakes with bright BRIGHT colors, so I'm all in on this current neon/fluorescent trend.

(Fun fact: I just fought with spellcheck for 35 seconds over how to spell "fluorescent.")


Tell me you don't want to turn a black light on this beauty:

(Cuteology, Arizona)


Or dive face first into this rainbow 'splosion!

(Hello Duffymoon, South Africa)

Ok, maybe not face first.
But srsly, BEST colors.


Omigosh, I found the neon green from my ruffle skirt!

(Sugar and Salt Cookies, Australia)

Look how gorgeous with the bright pinks!

I'mma just stare at this dreamily for a bit, k?



Sugar and Salt has so many bright colors, here's one more of her creations:

(Sugar and Salt Cookies, Australia)

You know how some cakes you want to eat, and some you want to just stare at?



Same goes for this purple & teal loveliness:

(Jonathan Cable Cakes, South Carolina)

The chocolate drips make the whole color scheme sing. SO GOOD.


Backing off the intense neons for just a quick sec:

(Shunia Cake, Russia)

This is somewhere between pastel and fluorescent, like a snowstorm during the Aurora Borealis.
Needless to say, I approve.


The same year I wore that neon skirt, my middle school's official colors were hot pink and teal. HOT PINK AND TEAL, you guys. Now that is the "good ol' days."

(By The Scran Line)

My 6th grade teachers would be screaming for this. Those are sugar bubbles on top!


This next one is like if Laser Tag were a person and got a Hollywood Rom-Com makeover just in time for senior prom:

(Sugar Sugar Cake School, online classes)

You know, as a cake.

I'm saying I love it, keep up.


Back to 6th grade Jen confessions:

Along with that rockin' neon skirt, I also wore home-made, neon pink splattered shoes. Meaning my mom and I threw paint at a pair of knock-off Keds, because the ones I fell in love with at the local Flea Market were too expensive.

I loved those shoes, but they didn't even come CLOSE to how pretty this is:

(Historias Del Ciervo, online classes)



And finally, because neon rainbows and unicorns are a match made in Lisa Frank heaven:

(Dulceria Denora, Venezuela)

You're welcome.


Here's hoping your Sunday is colorful, fun, and extra sweet! Now, hit me up with your best/worst 90s fashion memory in the comments, so I can be jealous. :D


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And from my other blog, Epbot:

Don't Take That Literally, Spider-Man

Briana S. asked the baker to make her cookie cake "look cute."



And when Lynnette's baker asked what color frosting she wanted, she said, "Whatever pops out of the icing tube; I don't care."

You should know better, Lynn.

Not gonna lie; given Spidey's positioning, my mind went somewhere else entirely with the whole "pops out" thing. (WHAT.)


You ever pick up a cake at the grocery store bakery, and it's so, SO bad, but you're too embarrassed to say anything, so you sneak over to the canned vegetable aisle and stick it on a shelf while no one's looking?



Jennifer B. found this here, and all I can say is: good call, shopper.

(I kind of love how the cake's announcing itself to the green beans, though.)


Isn't it cute when bakers are just learning to write their numbers?

I'm gonna guess Drew is somewhere between 5 and 6.

(I usually censor bakery names, btw, but would you LOOK at that cake board? Hey, if Price Chopper Bakery wants credit that badly, who am I to stand in their way?)


And finally, here's a sweet visage to whisk you off to dreamland tonight:



Thanks to Briana S., Lynnette M., Jennifer B., Lea A., & R.B. for reminding us there's more fish in sea - so I'm prolly never sleeping again.


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 Visiting Amazon through those links will help support the site, and costs you nothing. Thanks, guys!

And from my other blog, Epbot: