
That's Like The OPPOSITE Of A Pot Of Gold

When CW reader Michelle ordered her 6-year-old daughter's birthday cake, she decided to stick with something classic: a rainbow. That's right, just a niiiice, simple rainbow, "with a cloud on either end."


As it turned out, though, Michelle's baker MAY have been a little hard of hearing.


Let's be honest: the clown heads aren't the problem here. It's the pile of poopy brown icing UNDER the clown heads, am I right?


Thanks to Michelle K. for proving sometimes it IS your circus, and your monkeys cloud clowns.


And now, for the tiny cross-section of people who like puns, poop jokes, babies, and the song "Whoomp There It is," allow me to present:

"Poop! There It Is" Baby Onesie

It is also comes in 4 other colors, in case black isn't your number 2 choice. :D


And from my other blog, Epbot:

See? Not Just An American Thing

And now, for a little international flair, here's a Cake Wreck all the way from Norway. We begin with a guy ordering a cake for his coworker, Arnold:

(The original article is written in Norwegian, so I've put this conversation through Google Translate.)
"Can I please order a marzipan cake?"
"That's fine. What is the name on it?"
"Yes it will be Arnold 60 years. Happy Birthday."
"Arne 60..."
"No. Arnold!"
"No! Arnold like in 'Arnold Schwarzenegger.'"
"Oh... huh. Arnold like in 'Arnold Schwarzenegger?'"
"Are you sure."
"Yes in heaven's name. You shall write it as said!!! Yeah, print it! In a hurry!"


I want to believe Google Translate is completely accurate and this is exactly how Norwegians talk.
Because that would be hilarious. (Shhh, let me have this, Europe.)

Okay. Here's the cake in all its Norwegian glory:


"Arnold as in
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Congratulations with
60 anniversary."

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Thanks, Karl E. - and hey, come with me... if you want to eat.


P.S. I can't speak for Norwegians, but I bet Arnold would at least approve of this t-shirt:

("I'm Fine" Funny Graphic Tee)

Not to mention it really fits the mood of our weekly grocery run. :D


And from my other blog, Epbot: