An Indecent Proposal

Suppose you're a professional baker, and you want to propose to the love of your life. What do you do?

Why, you make a cake of course!

And you pour all of your time, talent, and t-passion into that cake, because this, of all the cakes in your career, is without a doubt the most important.



Ok, fine - I guess you could also do this:



Putting aside the fact that I'm oddly reminded of a Holiday Inn bedspread, I have to say I'm most curious about that oh-so-unique texture. What do you think the baker used? Bath sponge? Plastic bag? Hair brush?


Thanks to Ashley W., a "friend" of the happy couple who assures me the answer was still "yes." Dude. THAT GIRL IS A KEEPER.


Apparently this one's great on hair, too!

Crave Glide-Through Detangling Brush

And from my other blog, Epbot: