If the Shoe Fits...
After our purse and shoe Sweets the other week, I thought you guys might like to see the shoe on the other foot, so to speak.
Because, yes, the actual foot IS included:
I've heard of shoes having a square-toe before, but this is ridiculous:
I'd like to pump this baker for more information: does s/he like a lot of sole? Or was the cake knife too slippery? Or, was s/he just being mulish because the order was wedged into a busy work day?
At least this next Wreckerator had the decency to put "cowboy" in quotes:

Man, if only every CCC could get the boot...am I right, guys? Huh? Yuckyuckyuck!
A pair of flip-flops, or an anti-tobacco ad? You be the judge:

(Let's take a moment to bask in the glory of that last pun. C'mon. "Laced?" Dude, I am smokin' today.)
Or perhaps they have... [dramatic voice] DISCO FEVER!!

Anyone else feeling a bit trippy looking at this thing? Or is that just the old potato salad talking? (You know how chatty the German kind can get.)
Hm? What's that? You think it could be worse?
Yeah, you're probably right.
In fact...
Oh, wow. Yes, you are most definitely right:
Is it just me, or is that goldfish being a total heel?
Margaret B., Stephanie A., Teri S., Dawn, Elizabeth D., Carly S., & Jenna B., thanks for the kicks.