And they say cake decorating is dead:


It's not dead.


It's more in the process of being slowly bludgeoned to death.


Ergo the massive head injury and general fuglitude happening here.


Now let's take a rare glimpse at the Cake Wrecks Facebook Wall - because, oh yes, we're one of those ancient dinosaur sites that still has a Facebook page:


You're absolutely in the right here, Kim... but I like the way your friend thinks.


And here's one from Audrey, who used her cake to convey both an apology AND an explanation:


(Is that "poor" or "poop"? Because either works for me.)

I like it. Sweet and succinct. Maybe we should all give this technique a try.

"Sorry about the house. NETFLIX."

"Forgive the smell. TACO TUESDAY."

Or, for a one-size-fits-all approach:



Alexandria wanted a really basic beach scene for her son's birthday cake, so she ordered this design from the book and asked the bakery to leave off the characters and flowers:


To recap: she just wanted the water and sand. That's it. (She planned to add some toy sharks later at home.)

Here's what her bakery made:




Thanks to Ken K., Katie R., Kim, Audrey O., & Alexandria C. for teaching us the ocean is more of a stream, and the beach really is #1.


Because some days call for more than coffee:

"Probably Whiskey" Enamel "Coffee" Mug

(The listing really does have "coffee" in quotation marks, ha!)


And from my other blog, Epbot:

Sunday Sweets Springs In

It's officially Spring!!

Which, I know, doesn't mean much when you're still buried in snow or already rockin' the flip-flops.

Still, Spring means flowers and happy colors, so today, that's what you get. And you're gonna like it.


(By Suzanne Kleinsman, aka The Queen of Pops)


See? Happy cake.



(By Mutlu Gün Kurabiyecisi)

And BOOYA, sweet mini florals for an engagement cake!


Tell me you're not smiling, 'cuz I've got more.


(By Kiara's Cakes)

Like this! Something about that color combo equals instant eye candy for me.


Of course Spring is all about gettin' down and dirty, so brace yourself:


(By House of Cakes Dubai)

SO DIRTY. And gorgeous. And kinda cute, if you like snails.


Here comes another natural beauty who's all bark and lots of bites:


(By Sweetness)

Phenomenal Fondant Powers, look at these textures! This is one that must be bitten to be believed; I've never seen a better tree bark OR more delicate ruffles.


Speaking of double-takes, here's another one that fooled me:


(By McGreevey Cakes)

The pitcher is cake, if you can believe it - I'm still not sure I do! What I do know is I'm in love.


Here's a fun modern take in bright pinks and yellows:


(By Kakes By Karen)

It's so Springy, right? And look at that embroidery texture! Incredible!


Now my favorite color, with my favorite flowers:


(By Torta Nicoletta)

Orange + Poppies = Pure Jen Joy.


Or how about a wheel barrow bouquet?


(By Golumbevskaya Olesya)

That's all sugar paste work, with a cake barrow!


Let's wrap things up with one more bold and bright number - and I freely admit I'm playing favorites:


(By Lumipo)

MORE POPPIES! Woot woot! And how fun is that green "barn-wood"? (The topper is two hearts with a padlock and chain between them.) My favorite is the hand-painting, though, inspired by the art of Colleen Parker. So good.

Hope this made your Sunday a little more Springy, peeps, and a lot more happy!


I'm always looking for casual colorful dresses, and I think some of you might like my latest find:

Kilig's Summer Floral Dress With Pockets

There are over 40 different prints to choose from! I already bought two, but I may be back for more, ha.


And from my other blog, Epbot: