
Drat. I totally meant to do a post on Procrastination Week three weeks ago but I was, uh... really busy.

[innocent whistling]


So, anyway, I've been meaning to show you guys a post I've been working on, and now seems the best time to do it! Here goes...


Father's Day is this week, so it's time to show Dad how you really feel!


("stick up" Heh. Aheh. Heh.)


[This is when I had to go organize my Pinterest boards for a few... weeks.]


Oh! And you know who else likes bunnies? Moms.


Also moths.


[This is when I tried to learn German. Then I gave that up and watched makeup tutorials on Youtube all night, which is why I forgot about this post for a few more months.]


How about this summer heat wave, huh?


Even the frosted flowers are dying!


[I think I slept a lot here.]


Who else is feeling thankful for turkeys?!



[This reminded me of a funny cat video, but by the time I found it it was Spring.]


Hey, have you guys heard this awesome new album??


The 90s are gonna be Mariah's decade, I'm telling you!


Thanks to Kadie W., Robin G., KarateLady, Mary M., & Danielle G., who are no doubt just as impressed as I am that an album cover from 1994 is STILL being used on generic Christmas cakes.

Now go forth and procrastinate, people!


I found a baking book just for us, minions:

"Aces, Charles. ACES."

You should know two things about today's wreck. No, three.

Three things about today's wreck:

1) It's supposed to look like a tennis racket.

2) That word was supposed to be "ace." ACE.



3) Looks like Jarman JUST GOT SERVED.


Thanks to Sarah H. for intercepting today's wreck - and 40 geek points to anyone who correctly IDs today's title quote!


P.S. I don't play tennis because it involves going outside and chasing after tennis balls, but turns out dogs freaking LOVE that, so check this out:

Nerf Tennis Ball Blaster Dog Toy


And from my other blog, Epbot: