John Yates

...But The Words Get In The Way

It's not always easy to express your feelings on Valentine's Day. Fortunately, these Wreckerators are here to help.

This explains all those "Marry Christmas" cakes!

Happy Valentines + 'Day'

Yep, that's a first.

I'm continually amazed at how many Wreckerators botch the classic "Bee Mine" pun. It's not like it's that hard, guys: if there's a bee on it, write, "Bee Mine." If there's NOT a bee on it, write "Be Mine." That's it! And yet...

(Granted, you'd have a hard time convincing anyone those are bees.)

The fact that this was on clearance makes me oddly proud of the buying public.

Of course, no V-Day is complete until we explore some alternate spellings of "Valentine's":

Still, always remember this, my dear Wreckies: At the end of the day, what matters most to your S.O. is that you tried.


(No, I don't think this vintage Wreck is professionally made, but it was just too cute not to share. I mean, c'mon, who wouldn't love to come home to this? Am I right, ladies?)

JuliAnn J., Linda R., Abby D., Shannon L., Vickie M., Maria P., Eunice S., & Carrie M., I tried to say "I love you"... but then I realized that was wildly inappropriate. So, uh, hey, good job!

It Belongs In A Museum!



Thanks to Fred C., Robin C., Amber H., and Andy Warhol, who said, "Art is anything you can get away with." 


That reminds me, I found some more goodies for my fellow art lovers:

 Andy Warhol Soup Can Crayons

 Ten bucks gets you this fun soup can filled with crayons!


And from my other blog, Epbot: