What We Have Here Is A Failure To Communicate

I'm always fascinated by the breakdown in communication that can occur when you order a cake. I love figuring out what went wrong just by looking at the cake; it beats any crossword puzzle or word jumble.

Sometimes the explanation is pretty straight forward:

As you can see, there is in fact a "Coca Cola can/bottle" on this cake.

Other times there's a severe misunderstanding from the get-go:

I like to think that if they'd spelled "capital" correctly they might have figured it out.

Sometimes you specifically ask for little plastic "Happy Birthday sticks" stuck in your order of cupcakes:

Other times you're just not specific enough:

And sometimes, on wonderful, rare occasions, you get an amazingly talented baker. A baker with mad piping skills, a steady hand, and perfect spelling. A baker who, incidentally, is also a little hard of hearing. So, when you get this baker, and you want to order a giant Gerber daisy on your cake, just be sure you enunciate really, really well.

Because otherwise...

You might get the Gerber



(Yes, really. Scout's honor.)

A big "thanks" in all caps to Heather F., Brianne H., Jessie B., Kristina R., & Kelly Y., who had some 'splaining to do on her last birthday.


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The Sign Post


Better watch out for this bakery, henchpersons:


I hear they'll hang you out to dry.




"An O you co-A WIN... " uh, some assorted scribbles.


Hey, uh, guys?


What's that tell you?

Now, tell me what the mystery blob with the vaguely butterfly-like thing on it is supposed to be, and we'll call it even.

The bakers wielding the pastry bags aren't the only culprits, though:


I've seen a lot of these cakes. They live up to their name.



Aw, now why is "home made" in quotes? From that gooey ooze dripping out the bottom I can tell it's JUST like "home made." (Love you, Mom!)






Personally I don't see how you can use a "thank you," no matter WHICH underwear it might belong to.


(Give it a minute.)

(Theeere it is.)

Hey, Melissa P., Jennifer D., April G., Dani, Kelsey H., & Claire M., there's your sign.


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