John's Precious Submissions

Jen's been sick in bed today, and was so out of it this morning that she asked ME to write a post. This is john (the hubby of Jen), btw.

And so I present to you:

"What happens when John writes a post (mostly) unsupervised." 



Fun Fact: that is the face I make when I check your emails.

Speaking of ducks, Abigail sent in this cake from a going-away party.

In her words: "I don't know what a 'hood duck' is, but I imagine it is some sort of hood ornament for a special migration vehicle."

Which of course made me wonder if there was a duck hood ornament...


And of course there is.

(I'm getting Darkwing Duck-as-a-Sumo-Wrestler vibes here.)


Amber writes: "I told the local bakery that I wanted half of my cupcakes to say ‘Dirty 30’ and the other half to say ‘34’"


Huh. Tell me, Amber, did you have to halve half of the "have" cupcakes?


English is fun.

(Jen would like it to be known that this gif was her sole contribution for today.)


Next up, Wendy brought in a picture of the cake she wanted.

Because that always ends well.

On the plus side, I can show you both the picture Wendy brought in AND the cake she got in one shot:

But wait, THERE'S MORE.

I went looking for Wendy's original photo on Google Image Search, since I couldn't tell what the blue lump was. I found this:


It's like the road untraveled, Wendy! A different, darker timeline! LOOK WHAT COULD HAVE BEEN.

(I'm still not entirely sure, but I think the blue lumps are legs.)

(Also if you search for "blue legs gif" you won't be disappointed.)



And now for something... completely different.

Rachel discovered what happens when a wreckerator gets a job in the neon sign business:

As Rachel says, "I’m just hoping they got a deal on the sign."

You and me both, Rachel.

Thanks to Abigail H., Amber S., Wendy K., & Rachel G., who are all welcome to join me for some Thai cuisine. Or a Thai crusurel. One of the two.


And from my other blog, Epbot:

Gilt-y Pleasures

If you're groaning over "Gilt-y Pleasures," then I have a subtitle for you:
"If it ain't Baroque, don't fix it."


I know, I know, but I think you'll forgive me once you see today's cakes - because these things are seriously amazing.


(By Gateaux Sur Mesure)

Sha-POW! See what I mean?


Here's a Pretty in pink:


(By Elizabeth's Cake Emporium)


Oooh, and this one has a hand painted room inside it:


(By Elysia Root Cakes)

Look at all the moldings! And the little chandelier! Ah!


More proof that stunning things can come in small packages:


(By Fine Cakes by Zehra)

Love these colors together. The cool gray really balances the red and gold.


Check out all these frills and filigrees:


(By Karen Leong Cake Design)

So many details! I'd love to see this one up close.


A more modern feel with clean pastels:


(By The Whimsical Cakery)

That mint and gold is so sweet together!


Ah, but nothing beats black, red, and gold for pure drama:


(By Royal Cakes)



Here's another with a little chandelier room inside!


(By Cake Opera Co.)

This is absolutely stunning, you guys. Look at the hand painted panels! And all the trim and "fabric" draping! WOWIE.


Meanwhile, these soft pastels are singing my song:


(By The Cake Duchess)

::dreamy sigh::

So good.


And finally, another timeless beauty with juuuust the right amount of glitz:


(By Carrie's Cakes) which I mean ALL the glitz. Love that mosaic texture mixed with all the trim and moldings!

Hope you guys enjoyed today's Gilt-y Pleasures!

Happy Sunday!


P.S. I know a gilded rose sounds kinda cheesy, but LOOK:

Enchanted Blue Rose, 24kt Gilded

It comes with the glass dome and LED lighting that changes from warm white to colorful. You do have wrap the lights around it yourself (boo), but the customer photos have me drooling:




And from my other blog, Epbot: