Buy Buy Buy
I've had some fun new shirt designs submitted from you oh-so-talented readers, and what better day to share the new arrivals than Black Friday? So c'mon, folks, before that bargain-crazed, triple-espresso high wears off: buy, buy, buy! (And if you catch yourself singing the song later today, my work here will be done.)
First up, a hilariously cute design by Jen Privitera of Kitty Gogo:
If you don't get it, then shame on you, and check out this post. Be sure to visit Jen's site above for more crazy yet cute designs, too.
Phil DeJarnett of came up with two great designs:
I think I'm going to offer the "underneat that" one on an apron as well as a shirt, if for no other reason than so I can order one. :)
Rebecca Bridge of Glitter Bubbles jewelry immortalized our most dangerous Wreck to date:
The thought of all the confused looks one would receive when wearing this shirt makes me ridiculously happy. Is that wrong?
And here's what I came up with in my "free" time: