"World" Tour Wrap-Up: Austin
After our book tour self-imploded (go here if you missed it), I was determined to get back on the road as soon as my health would possibly allow it. First I had to convince Jen, the doctors, and the publisher, though. We eventually reached a compromise: Jen and I would stay in Dallas for a few days more to recuperate, and then we would drive to Austin instead of flying.
From the moment we arrived at Book People, we were treated with such kindness and hospitality that it was almost overwhelming. Our two bakers, Nicole from Wicked Cakes and Paloma from Coco Paloma Desserts, had each made cakes for the previous week's show - which of course was canceled at the last minute - and yet were gracious enough to do it all over again for this one. Jen and I had assumed we just wouldn't have cake for the show, but these ladies insisted. How awesome is that?
Here's Nicole with a few of her sample cakes:
Unfortunately we didn't get a picture of Paloma with her cake - I think it was almost gone by the time we showed up! - but we did get to taste all the different flavors both bakers brought, and they were delicious.
Considering that we rescheduled the event with only about 4 days notice, and on a Saturday afternoon at that, I wondered if anyone would show up. I guess someday I'll learn to stop underestimating the awesomeness of our readers:
I think we had about 200 fans there. The smiling guy in the front row actually came to both the Dallas show and this one - and all the way from Houston! He also left us a big container of sprinkles. You know, in case we wanted some. ;)
Another thing I wondered was whether anyone would still have a cupcake wreckplica to bring. Foolish man. We had plenty of goodies to choose from! Here are our three "winners":
(This was my favorite. It actually had tiny little flies on it! There's a picture of me somewhere online looking at this cupcake in a very concerned manner.)
Here are a few more of my favorites:
And lastly, we had a few folks e-mail us the entries they'd made for the previous show, since they couldn't make it to this one. Jen and I thought this one was especially spectacular:

(To see the rest of the amazing entries for Austin, go to the Cake Wrecks Facebook page.)
We initially hoped to continue the rest of the tour from Austin, but the scheduling didn't work out. That was just as well, though; the evening we got back to Orlando I ended up in the hospital again for a few more days. Bah. But let me tell you, Austin, I wouldn't have missed this show for the world; you guys really showed us the meaning of kindness. Thank you!
TOUR UPDATE: We're still finalizing the dates, but I can tell you that the tour will recommence in about two weeks, AND that it will include two additional cities: Boston and Atlanta! More details to follow very soon.
John's Update to the Tour Update: It's actually the B&N in Framingham, MA which is only 18 minutes away from downtown. Best we could do. I can't wait to see you guys.