The End of Sweetness
Ok, last Vday post. Honest.
(Until the next one, that is. Heheheh.)
Not that I can be certain these were really meant for Valentine's, of course. I mean, it's not like they give us many clues...
I would ask for guesses, but my heart's just not in it. Besides, even though geography was never my strong point, even I can see it's obviously the state of Texas. Right, Cori W.?

[humming Jeopardy theme]
And while we're guessing, any ideas on this one from Marisa W.?

Then Kay found these, which are actually wrong... for being spelled right. There's a first!
See, they have a bee (sort of; that's one scary specimen), so they could have written "Bee Mine". But did they? No, of course not. I bet there's a cake out there somewhere with a sheep on it and the inscription "I love you", too. [shaking head] C'mon, decorators: get with the punny program!
Oh, and in case you forgot what we were celebrating:
Say, this could lead to a whole new holiday icon! I'm picturing Cupid, only stitched together from spare parts. Alyssa & Clark, do you concur?