Such Deers
It's becoming as "classic" (ie cliche) as the red-velvet armadillo cake, and yet guys still want dead Bambi for their groom's cake. Go fig.
Yeah, yeah, guys, I get it: you want your cake to show some personality, reflect your interests, and ideally gross-out the in-laws. But really, a giant dead animal on your wedding day? Really? This must be another time when my plumbing prevents me from grasping the intricacies of the male mind.
At least this one's still showing some signs of life:
Well, as much as the baker, anyway. (Ah, candid photos, how we loathe thee.)
Oh no, but look! He's sinking into the Swamps of Sadness! Fight against the sadness, Artax! Don't let it get to you! Just because you're about to be carved up and served on camouflage-print paper plates is no reason to get all down in the dumps! Artaaaaax!!
[sniffle] Sorry. I hate that part of the movie.
Ok, where were we? Oh, right, at the economy section:
Sure, it doesn't feed many people, but then no one will want to eat it anyway. See? A win-win. Plus, mad props to the garnisher; those green spriggy bits are really classing the joint up.
Of course if we've learned anything here on CW, it's that a green & purple party hat can make everything allll better:

I know we shouldn't look a gift deer in the mouth, but those buck teeth* are cracking me up. I can almost hear him saying, "Gawrsh! Why don't you carve yourself a slice? Ahuck!"
Still, I'll take goofy over spooky any day. And I'm not sure there's a chipper enough party hat in all the world to uncreepify this guy:
Sure, he's smiling, but that smile never quite reaches his eyes, you know? And he won't stop staring, like he knows something I don't.
Hey, you lookin' at me, punk? Yeah? Well quit your smirking, or I'll break your antlers off!
Oh, I'm sorry; I see someone already did. Huh. That had to hurt. Well, never mind.
Lauren S., Laura M., Erin C., Kaylee K., & Anony M. you sure know how to rack 'em.
*Get it? "Buck" teeth? Hah, that was the crowning touch, wasn't it?
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