Sunday Sweets: Star Wars
Well, I gave Trek its time in the sun, so it's only fair to showcase some Star Wars goodness now. Besides, since I shared in the heady experience of a group heatstroke with approximately three million SW fans yesterday, I'm definitely in a "Wars" mindset.
The challenge, of course, was finding SW Sweets that my friend Mike over at Great White Snark hasn't featured yet. Seriously, Mike, how's about you leave some goodies for the rest of us cake-loving geeks to post, eh? Sheesh. It's a good thing Star Wars fans reeaally enjoy their cake.
Ok, let's start with the "official" stuff. Jim found these two on, and both were made by the "Ace of Star Wars Cakes" himself, Duff Goldman. (That link leads to a great article on Duff, btw, for you Ace of Cakes fans.)

Kristi F. sent in this amazing Millennium Falcon by Cakes by Jyl:
Just look at that detail! Jyl reports that everything here is edible, too. Nice!
Rose B. found a Star Wars wedding cake:
And get this, icing purists: that AT-AT is almost entirely fondant-free! Amazing. Here's another cool shot:

Here's Brooks G.'s amazing R2D2 groom's cake, which he was kind enough to share with me this week:
Artoo was made by the 1886 Cafe & Bakery in Austin, TX, who were furnished with painstakingly detailed diagrams, photographs, and plans by the bride, Kristina. Yes, the bride. (Alright, Kristina! Way to represent for us geek gals!) Oh, and speaking of which, here's Kristina with the cake:
After all the guests were through taking pictures with Artoo (in increasingly risque poses, I hear) the couple cut the cake - while playing the "waaaHHHH!" noise that R2d2 makes when he gets shot in the head with a blaster. Heh. Morbid, but funny. I bet the guests loved it.
And lastly, here's another wedding cake, by Dy Rinella of Bewitching Elegance:
Not only is Dy a vegan baker, she also won the Star Wars Insider Best Wedding Cake of 2008 with this gorgeous Star Destroyer. It was made for a couple who belong to the 501st, an "imperial costuming organization."

Looks like it was a well-deserved win, Dy! Great job.
If you want to see more great Star Wars cakes (and I mean LOTS more) head over to Great White Snark for his Geeky Cake of the Week feature. And as always, if you have an amazing cake to nominate for SS, send it to me at Sunday Sweets [at] Cake Wrecks [dot] com. (I also take requests, so if you have an idea for a theme, let me know.)