Maybe We Should Stick with "Good Job"
Graduation season is upon us, and with it comes the irony of those who cannot spell congratulating those who have (hopefully) learned to do so. In writing.
I suppose it would be easier if "graduation" and "congratulations" didn't sound so much alike. As it is, we end up with a lot of Franken-style mash-ups:

Admit it: Now you want to see a cake that says "Congradulations Gratuates" as much as I do. Well, I don't have one. (Yet.) But I do have some more fun manglings:
After a while you start to see the same mistakes over and over again. There's the "Something's Missing...":

The "End of the Road!":
And of course the classic "Letter Switcheroo":
Some decorators successfully navigate the "congratulations/graduation" minefield only to stumble right on the home stretch:
(It was supposed to be "commissioning".)
Then there's this...thing:

Anony, Donna, Sue M., Ila P., Sarah L., Jessica R., Christine H., & Rosalie C., congratutahons! You've gratulated from Wreckporter school!