'Twas a Sweet & Starry Night in the Jet City
I've been looking forward to posting this since Saturday. [rubbing hands together gleefully] So let's get to it!
The setup: What do you think would happen if two bakeries received the exact same phone order, but interpreted in two very different ways? That was the inspiration Paul of Jet City Cakes had when he and Matt from Starry Nights Catering got together to provide the cakey goodness for our signing at Third Place Books in Seattle.
First, here's Matt's order form:
And his gorgeous cake:
No? Well, maybe you will when you see his creation:
Here Matt and Paul ponder their order forms:
And then size up each other's creations:
By the way, both of these guys are up for The Best of Western Washington awards in the Evening Magazine. Click here to vote for Jet City, which is up for best cake shop, and click here to vote for Starry Nights, which is up for best caterer (login required).
[announcer voice] But wait, there's MORE!! How about some cupcake Wreckplicas?
Our grand prize winner:
And our other top two "winners":Plus a few more of my favs: