Ah yes, it's Mike & Louisa of the Perpetual Merriment.
(I bet they're morning people, too. Blech.)
Forget missing words - that "t" is a work of
Also, do you pronounce "Rubye" kind of like ribeye? 'Cuz that's how it sounds in my head. (When the pink Snickers bar says it, anyway. The other voices haven't reached a consensus yet.)
"Welcome N J Bell to Virizan and"And...?
And what? What?!? TELL ME!! I MUST KNOW!!!
Arg, this suspense is killing me! Why don't you just send Sheppard out on another suicide mission and make me wait six months to see if he lives or not? Huh? How 'bout that, funny boy?*
Oh, and speaking of suicide missions:

Who wants a slice of Adam's ca-
aake? [sing-song]
Anyone? Anyone?
Sure, it's nice to know that "Kaun" and Jerry are happy, but I imagine this kind of word omission could lead to some rather, shall we say, misleading, inscriptions:

[shifty eyes] Er. Yes, kinda like that.
(It's short for RICHARD, people - and I'll leave any remarks about the (in)appropriateness of the decorations to you guys.)
*Yes, I do realize that cliff-hanger was 5 years ago - I just never fully recovered, is all.
Tracy H., Shelley A., Lori & Mary S., Chris Z., Bethany G., & Jennifer H, Good!