The Wrecks Which Shall Not Be Named
There are two kinds of people in the world: those who know Harry Potter 7 is opening this weekend, and those who couldn't give a flying wrackspurt.
Now, since John is a HUGE Potter geek (and I'm only a regular-sized one), it makes sense for him to write today's Potter post. However, to make today's commentary enjoyable for all our readers, I, Jen, will be providing muggle-friendly translations.
Take it away, John!

Heh. Aheh. Heh.
What's that, John? Hurry up? Oh. Ok. I'm done. Carry on.
It's a fortune teller joke.
No, that was not me being sarcastic. You wanna see me being sarcastic? Ask me how I like your flip-flops.
[more whispering]
Well, where *do* you want to have this conversation? Because seriously: we need to talk about those flip-flops.

TRANSLATION: Muggle magic is to top hats and rabbits what wizard magic is to blowing your roof off. Word.
Elizabeth C., Kala M., Holly E., Audrey B., Becca T., Rebecca J., here's hoping these wrecks were magically delicious!