Today's readers all qualify for Evil Wrecky Henchpersons of the Month. Check it out:
First up, my apologies to Steph H. for not posting her awesomely hilarious Halloween costume sooner:
As you can see, Steph here is decked out in the ultimate CW homage costume! (Plus she matches the couch - so, you know, bonus points there.)
The back:
And the shoes!

Steph even started her own CW-inspired site called Tomb Wrecks. Now that's the level of devotion I expect from you Wreckies. Excellent work, Steph!
Next up, Manda K. has gone a little carrot jockey crazy:

...and I
Oh, and for you non-tweeting types who missed it, here's David & his jockey tie causing some familial consternation:

Love it.
Many of you send in your intentional Wrecks - some homemade, some ordered, all hilarious. Here are a few of my recent favs:

Trish invented a mom version of "
Happy Falker Satherhood" for her friend Nicole's baby shower:

Nice touch with the improper spacing, too.
This was the groom's cake at Carrie D.'s wedding, made by her friend and fellow Wreckie Sara T.:
(Check back tomorrow for the wedding cake - it's as pretty as this is Wrecky. Heh.)And Max of
Freed's Bakery sent me this hilarious homage specially requested by one of their customers:

love these combo Wrecks. Can you spot them all? Don't miss the open book with "The End" behind the baby.
(Don't remember that one? It's in the book.)And finally, some of you may remember
Breanna K., who won Best in Show at the AZ cake show last year while wearing a CW shirt. Well,
Breanna's back, and she won again! This time, she wore a different CW shirt, too:
This cake took 1st in semi-pro, people's choice, and decorators' choice. Be sure to check out Breanna's Cakes for more of her award-winning work!Breanna, I think I speak for us all when I say it's a crying shame you haven't started your own cake business yet. Wowza.
And to the rest of you: rest assured I read and enjoy your every e-mail, but there are simply too many for me to post all of your pics. Therefore only the most creative/amazing/funny stuff will get on the blog.
And yes, that IS a challenge. ;)
- Related Wreckage: Show and Tell