The Bakers Wrecked 'Em
Note to the squeamish: some of today's cakes are medically gross. I've seen much worse, but still...put the coffee down.
As the child of a former RN, I couldn't let National Nurses Week go by without showing the nurses of the world some love.
And by "love," I mean this:

I don't really know what's going on here ("I'm an escalator, not a doctor!"), but it looks serious.

Oh, and sorry for putting "straw" in your head if it wasn't there already.
Yeah, hindsight being 20/20, that was a bum crack to make. A real wipe-out. A party-pooping crapshoot*. Sorry.
*or crap chute, if you want to get technical.

He regained consciousness on the floor, in the lap of the lovely lady nurse who had caught him, with his pants down.
He now tells this story to every nurse we meet.
Next time, maybe we should bring cupcakes to help smooth things over:

Audrey A., Shannon S., Matthias, Emily A., Jenny C., Sila Y., & Corey F., that's one way to call dibs on the vanilla cupcakes.