Perfectly Punctual
Anyone who claims punctuation doesn't matter has clearly never read Eats, Shoots & Leaves.
Or seen any of these cakes.
Well, well, well, "Emily." (IF that's your REAL name.) Just what are we celebrating here, hmm? Perhaps a sham cover operation for impostor Hello Kitty cakes?
Parenthetically speaking, can we all please agree that parentheses really never belong on a cake?
Then again, I bet this group of birthday gals was the most popular party at the restaurant. ("Hollaback, girls!")
You know what they say: "The only thing that conveys exuberance better than an ellipsis...
Of course, for the Wreckerators who aren't satisfied with traditional, "real" punctuation, there's always one of these options:
Nichole P., Lisa M., Luisa F., Rebekah, Millco, & Vanessa B., maybe we should all start using Victor Borge's phonetic punctuation while ordering:
And by "good money," I mean a nickel.