I'll admit it: I was a child of the 80s. I'll also admit to telling people my name was Jem, not Jen, when I was younger. (And then I'll admit that when I just said I told people my name was Jem when I was younger, I meant I did it yesterday.)
So, dust off your Power Glove, lace up your high tops, and crank that Olivia Newton John cassette you've kept vacuum-sealed in your storage shed, cuz it's time for Sunday Sweets, 80s Style!
Did anyone else love that delicious, rubbery kid-toy plastic smell? Mmmm... ponies.
Remember when it was 1989, and you had a crush on Lance Davenport, so you made him a mix-tape, gave it to him between classes, and then spent all of Science class drawing "Jen luvs Lance 4-eva" on your book cover?
Yeah, me neither.
Remember when Lance Davenport invited you over to listen to the mix tape on his hot new boom box, and then he told you he had a crush on your friend Jerry?
Yeah... me, neither.
Hey, look! ROBOCOP!
Submitted by Sarah A. and spotted here, but baker unknown.
Part hardened cyborg policeman, part yummalicious chocolate and vanilla.
Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and appreciate this Ferris Bueller's Day Off sneaker cake, you could miss it!

Bueller? ... Bueller? ... Bueller?
Check out this totally tubular and (mostly) fondant-free Gizmo cake:
Made by CW reader Jessica M.
Aww. I wonder what happens if you eat it after midnight with a glass of water.
I am in love with this fondant-free Harry and the Hendersons cake.
It's SO COOL. And it takes me right back to being a kid.
Next, you're going to tell me there's an awesome Jem cake out there.
Woohoo! Check out that airbrushing! Truly outrageous.
Ok, next you're going to tell me there's an awesome Weird Al cake out there.
No one? Dang.
Hey, look! Pac-Man!
I wonder if I could eat this cake as fast as I lose at Pac-Man. Probably.
Ever see a cake go 88 miles per hour?
Great Scott! This amazing 8-foot Delorean was created for the 25th anniversary of
Back to the Future.
(And now I officially feel old.)
Here's one of my most favorite wedding cakes ever:
Fluorescent splatter paint! I love the 80s rock-star theme. Super cool beans.
And finally, this ode to the 80s wedding cake has it all. Check out Sloth as the officiant in front of Castle Grayskull!
Made by CW reader Alexandra W.
But, wait! This isn't the whole thing- that's just the TOPPER.
Here's the rest:
I pity the fool that doesn't love this cake.
Now, quick, who can name all the 80s references?
Have a Sweet to nominate? Then send it to Sunday Sweets [at] Cake Wrecks [dot] com.