Tonight's The Night!

I gotta feeling
That tonight's gonna be a good night

That tonight's gonna be a GOOD night


That tonight's gonna be a good good niii-ii-iight.


That's right, my friends, and now here's everyone's favorite Black-Eyed Pea to continue serenading us!

Tonight's the night!

Let's wreck it up!
I got my BuBBlY:

Let's throw it up!

Go out and SMASH it

Like, good and trod!

Put on this tree hat:

I'll call you Todd!

Fill up my cup!


Look at her dancing:

Woo! Take it off!


Er, I think I'm going to stop you there, Mr. Pea, thank you.

And for the rest of you, let me just say:

With extra sprinkles on top.

Stay safe tonight, everyone, and have a wonderful New Year's Eve!


Thanks to Jenn K., Kristen M., Cielo C., Chioke H., Antonia S., Lea E., Anony M., Kati B., Caylin C., & Michelle S. for playing us out of 2012 in style.



Oh, and this one's for all the early-bird grandparents out there:

"Well, it's 9:05. HAPPY NEW YEAR!"