Wrecky Roughage
According to this survey I'm about to make up, 74% of us don't get enough fiber in our diets. Unless you're British. In which case you don't get enough fibre. And you spell things wrong.
Fortunately, the bakeries of the world are here to help.
I think we'll call this Faeber.
I DO believe in Faeber. I do, I do!!
TRUE STORY: Last week our cat Tonks decided to eat a piece of ribbon because she is, by all accounts, an idiot. Now if you're a cat owner, you know that she will most likely end up dragging a two foot piece of poo-coated ribbon across our carpet while we sleep, blissfully unaware of the impending cleaning bills.
Which makes me wonder: Does the same thing happen with kids?
Admit it: you just had a mental image of a bunch of toddlers scootching their butts across the carpet.
Now, of course, if plastic is your fiber of choice, then have I got a cake for you!
It's like a cartoon colonic.
In fact, bakers really seem to be embracing the Dollar Depot movement: (Heh. "Movement.") Case in point: Ashley ordered a little boy's cake, something appropriate for a first birthday.
Aaaand this is what she got:
...'cuz nothing's more appropriate for a one-year-old than twenty-two individual choking opportunities.
"No, Palmer, Sweetie, you can't eat that. Or that. Or that. Or that. Or that. No! Not that! Or that. Or that. Or that. Or that. Or that. Or that. Or that. Or that. Whoah! Definitely not that. Or that. Or that. Or that. Or that. Or that. Maybe th...no, not that, either.
"Or that."
Diana F., Kasia R., Wicked Princess, & Ashley P., I think the brown sprinkles might be safe, if you want to chance it.
NOTE: This post is from a few years ago, so rest assured Tonks is fine. And more importantly, so is our carpet.
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