Thursday Favs 3/26/15

I'll be celebrating a special holiday here tomorrow, so Friday Favs has been bumped up to Thursday!

Isn't that great news, "Demon Dog For A Five-Year-Old?"

::gutteral snarling::

Aw, I guess he can't hear me over all the screaming.


Actually, looks like it's been a pretty rough week all 'round for 5-year-old girls:

Can YOU say, "creepy anatomical inaccuracies?"


'Cuz I'd like demon dog back, please. [shudder]


If I told you someone ordered "Congratulations Cub Scouts, Pack 47" on a cake, which of those words do you think most likely to be misspelled?

You guessed wrong.
(I'm guessing.)

It is, in fact, every word except that one:

"Club Scott Pac 47."



Two wrongs may not make a right, but two rights DEFINITELY make this wrong:

[give it a second]


You'll gladly foot the bill for that one, though, after I show you this:



Thanks to Donne G., Leah S., Maura M., Anony M., & Diana M. for the womb with a view.


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