Friday Favs 4/17/15
Some of my favorite new submissions this week.
Further proof that talent and common sense aren't always a package deal:
Now if only it said "CREST HERE" on the left.
John's taken over e-mail submission duties here at CW, and speaking of "duties..."
... yesterday he named this file, "pretty much just poop.jpg"
("Cake Wrecks: Keeping It Prefessional Since 2008")
I'm sorry, everyone; I know poop jokes are classless and in poor taste.
So here, have an Awkward Ninja Turtle Erection:
(I'm not sure who looks more horrified: me or him.)
One of my Grammar Police friends recently posted a Facebook mini-rant about the word "alright" - which I, personally, have no problem with.*
[*Yeah, I said it. COME AT ME, BRO.]
The very next day was my friend's birthday, so I found her the perfect cake from our archives:
It went over so well, I think everyone should do this for their grammar-loving friends!
I also recommend writing something like, "Its you're birthday! Irregardless, do'nt loose ur kool, Ok?"
And finally, for you bakers out there: this is why you should be careful what you post on Facebook:
Thanks to Regina F., Doug M., Sharlyn W., Andrea C., & Anony M., who all know Facebook is really only good for thought-provoking political discussions.
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