If you're online a lot you've probably run across the word "Spoopy." I kept seeing it on Twitter and Instagram, and finally - because I'm old - decided to google it.

Ladies and ghouls, it is with no small amount of pride that I present Google's official result/definition when you look up the word "spoopy."

Check us out, yo, influencing the virtual zeitgeist.


Anyboo, in that spirit (HEYO), I thought we'd take a look at another frightening Halloween phenomenon: the freaky "EEK!"





And my favorite:

That is one Spoopy Err.

Your move, Tumblr. I await your hashtags.


Thanks to Mary T., Carmen N., & john (the hubby of me), who was ridiculously excited to spot his very own wreck last week. Yep, 8 years of running the wreckage, and we still have to look. Ha!


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